7ea42 wall candle
5ad5b ceiling candle
5d6e4 Dwemer wall candle
24f20 candle horn chandelier
2d847 candle lantern with candle
c842b candle group on the floor
b9be0 candle X2 on a dish
b9fad single candle
cd065 fireplace light
da628 Markarth firelight (med yellow flickering)
cd065 Solitude fireplace (strong yellow flickering)
9aaf1 HHF firelight Sm (mild yellow flickering)
c65ca Solutide window (med white spotlight)
f4852 Farm interior (mild white)
88cda Dwarf omni (mild white)
3611f Solutide interior candle (mild yellow)
cd016 Solitude interior blue
2ee05 Bleak Falls interior (yellow)
1d4ec Torch (idle w/torch)
c82c7 Sov (flickering w/torch)
00088245 . Default Light White with Shadow
00088C9A . Dwarven Light Warm
00088CF3 . Dwarven Light Warm with Shadow
00106914 . Thin Blue Light
000C1E2C . Soft Blue Light
000C275B . Ritual Evil Light
106AD9 . Eye of Magnus Light Effects
0001F5B8 [v37] DwarvenOmniLight_FlickerLess [LIGH:0001F5B8] {Portal-strict}
1F8C9: [v37] DwarvenOmniLight_Desat_NoMove [LIGH:0001F8C9] {Portal-strict}
897C9: [v37] DwarvenOmni_Spot [LIGH:000897C9] {Portal-strict}
c4bc2 - candle chandelier
DAB8B - candle on a golden candle stand
1F248 - Horn-like candle (1 piece)
1F249 - Large floor horn-like candles
1F24A candle horn wall
B9FAD - Single normal candle
24F20 (and 5AD5B) - Smaller horn-like chandelier
368B2 - tall holder and candle
368C2 - small holder and candle
2D847 - lantern with candle
5D6EA (AND 954A3) - 3-row wall candlelight
C4BC2 (AND C4BC4) big chandelier with candles
Tent (large) - 800DE
bigger tent than large - be2a3 (largest)
Triangular tent (small) - be2a2
triangular tent - 800dc
other variations of tents - 800d9
Tent (small) - 83ADC (I wouldn't recommend using this one, as the player becomes stuck underneath the tent and must toggle collision off in order to get out. If you do decide to use the smaller version, make sure you spawn your bed roll first, so that it will be under the tent.)
Bed Roll - C34AF/orcish double bed 42ac7/dwemer double bed stone 66023
Campfire - 35F49
Cooking Spit - 68ADB
WARMTH? (survival mode only):
GiantCampfire01BurningDirt01 [MSTT:000F597F]
Campfire01Burning [MSTT:00035F49]
Campfire01LandBurning [MSTT:00035F47]
GiantCampfire01BurningSnow01 [MSTT:0004C5CE]
FireplaceWood01Burning [MSTT:00035F4A]
blacksmith forge (cae0b) --> stand strategically
skyforge bbcf1
Burning coals (what the skyrim devs put in empty non-lit sconces): 33da4
DLC2CraftingBlackSmithSkaalForge "Blacksmith Forge" [FURN:0402B074]
DLC2FXFlamingRockDebris [MSTT:0401A56A]
Campfire01LandBurningFrozenMarshDirtSlope01 [MSTT:000CBB23]
Campfire01LandBurningFieldGrass01 [MSTT:000FB9B0]
player.placeatme XXX Y