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About AndrewClements

  • Birthday 02/01/1993

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  • Location
    British Columbia
  • Interests
    Hockey Modelling Bodybuilding Law

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. If it takes another 6 years, I will probably be too busy to have much interest in games any more. But I sort of hope they make the next one at Yokuda, those islands way west. Sort of oriental sounding.
  2. Yeah. I'm exactly like u. I keep everything. Umpteen bounty notes, 78 drums all stuffed into the basement of Proudspire in Solitude, a bunch of journals now useless, at least one copy of ever book. I even have the prisoner suit still stored somewhere.
  3. I have to totally agree with the horse comment: 6."Horses are slow and practically the same things as they were in Oblivion (hint: walk backwards Seabiscuit)."They are worse than they were in Oblivion. A u-turn on a Skyrim horse is a total fiasco.The game would have been better with no horses whatsoever. I can run as fast as my horse. And what do u really get with Shadowmere?....red eyes.I do like Skyrim a whole lot though. And since I play on the PC, I don't have to put up with some of the stuff that console players are stuck with. Even with as long as it took, I think Bethesda rushed the game a little bit. A lot of bugs. Some sloppy modelling (Climb some mountains and find yourself waist deep in a rock...and various other collision problems). Too much copying of Oblivion and not enough really new stuff.But even with my complaints, compared to other games, it beats them hands down in my opinion.
  4. Hey man, welcome to the site! We're relatively new so bear with us through early changes. If you ever need anything feel free to message me. :)

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