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About Gravis

  • Birthday 10/22/1987

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    Writing Fiction, Reading, Music (mostly metal), Gaming (rpgs, fps, retro, handheld, racing), NFL (Da Bears), NBA (Da Bulls), and avoiding arrows to the knee.

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  1. First two commands did nothing and the third crashed the game. I tried TFC normally before too and that always crashed it. I think I'm gonna give up now.
  2. I have an earlier save...from earlier this morning. Had to turn off Save on Travel 'cause it was crashing my game every time I fast traveled. But yeah, it's something like that (camera frozen while game continues). I've seen people on 360/ps3 have the same problem, but they can apparently fix it by moving the bloody thumbsticks around/clicking them. So far nothing I've done has fixed this. I've tried using the mouse scroll to change perspectives and hitting the F button--nothing. I've reloaded it multiple times and pushes all sorts of keys--nothing. It also crashes when I press Tab too. It pretty much doesn't want to get fixed, which has me wanting to simply start a new game .
  3. Apparently, something screwed up and then I screwed up by saving on that screw up...therefore, I can no longer get this one savefile to work properly.Here's the problem: Basically, in the middle of a battle of deathlords, my character goes into killmode (3rd person) and the camera freezes in place, while my character can still move around and attack. Unfortuantely, as I said I saved during this issue and now when I load the savefile by itself I'm stuck between the ceiling and the outside (can hear the wilds); though I can return it back to the static camera glitch state by loading a regular save, then reloading the glitched one.How do I solve this issue, or do I just give up on that savefile altogether?'Cause so far...I USE TO HAVE A SAVEFILE, UNTIL I TOOK A GLITCH TO THE F**KING KNEE!
  4. Facebook will continue until people actually grow bored of the dozens of crappy games on there, or realize that putting your sensitive information on a public site, in which sells that information to anyone with enough money...is friggin' stupid. I don't expect it to die anytime soon though, as it's the main source of 'communication' between old "where's the power button" people and their attention whore kids. It's too well known to simply fade away, like youtube.
  5. Thanks. Hope this place has been as informational as you guys have been.The reason I went with axe and mace though, is that it could be a great combination with the mace ignoring armor, then the axe's extra bleeding damage adds to it. I suppose, however, I could simply enchant a weapon with that effect, right? Either way, I wouldn't mind going axes only 'cause I mostly just wanted to play a dual wielding orc who cleaves the living crap out of everything, lol. Axes cause more damage anyway, I assume?
  6. Are you saying I could still summon a thrall without the Master Conjuration perk? Actually, are thralls particularly necessary or could I get away with less?P.S. - In that case, would you mind looking at this dual wielding build I made? http://skyrimcalculator.com/#121041 (He's a mace/waraxe user with alteration for magic resistance.)
  7. Oh, the light armor thing was just a mental error, lol. I switched the thought that daedric armor is better in heavy and light, when dragonscale is better light, I assume.Here's what I've done with some changes (removing block, changing to lighter armor tree, improved conjuration and some restoration): http://skyrimcalculator.com/#121143EDIT: And I'm not too interesting in dual casting. I wouldn't mind it in restoration, but I don't think I'd need it for conjuration since most monsters at expert/monster level would probably be strong enough. I could definitely be wrong.
  8. 1. The idea for block was simply for those battles in which I can't entirely outrun the enemy and they're pretty strong, like trolls. However, I only put 2 in 1H because I thought it would both strengthen bound weapons and free up perks for other skills instead of focusing on 1H. If I take your word for it though, then it's probably better I stick with regular weapons.2. Ah, forgot about enchantments. Yeah, that should really help in that case. Should I just stick one point in novice or apprentice? Anyway, what I had in mind was pretty much using sword/shield for battles (using a bound sword) with prepared summons. I figured, as I said, that it would be easier than putting points in 1H since I originally wanted those rank perks to. Plus, as a breton and the elemental protection + whatever enchantments, he'd have a lot of elemental resistance without giving up some defense.
  9. Just wondering what any experienced player thinks of this build: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#121000 I'm mostly wondering if I'm spreading the character too thin focusing on 6 skills (technically 7, though the last is only 2 perks in 1H), albeit I was able to build it exactly to the 50 levels required. And he's going to be your basic battlemage of sorts, using bound weapons and summons to fight (with shields in certain fights).
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