You're sort of right about their target audience, i would hate to see this series meet the same demise as call of duty. I think that they really spend too much time trying to make the world massive, and i mean REAL massive. But the thing is with a map this size is that the player ends up getting bored with it. All the while, the gameplay is still the same, the enemies are the same, and matter of fact the dungeons all kind of look the same to me, despite them customizing it even more than oblivions. Here's what i suggest they do:Expand on the diversity of the gameplay itself - Ever since Morrowind came out, Bethesda has been making the amount of options available to the player smaller and smaller, trying to make everything streamlined and "easy". I cannot tell you how much i HATE this. I actualy liked picking classes in Oblivion!!! I liked looking at the cool art that went with every single class and the description it had with it, it made me feel like i was playing an RPG! They also greatly diminished the amount of spells in each magic skill instead of expanding on it. Like for instance for the destruction skill, they should add a branch to the tree that deals with dark magic and has curses, life drain, etc.Add more finishing moves with the combat system - Time after time, the same stealth move over and over again gets reallllll old.Follow the Lore - I hate when I see something in the game that is really skewed or inconsistent with the lore of the series. Example; Volkihar Vampires are supposed to hide under frozen lakes and are able to reach through the ice without breaking it to grab victims. This is one of the coolest descriptions that i've read within the in game books, why would they implement regular vampires that are sub par to Oblivion's?Put the "game" back in the game - As you all know, Bethesda streamlined a lot of things into the new game. No more class picking, no more finding a bed to level up, quest objectives are even easier to find. When you think about it, it's just skipping to all the fun parts of the game without having to go through all the work. For me it adds realism when you have to find a bed to rest in and level up, it was something that was unique to the series and now its just a boring menu option that you can go to anywhere.I'll stop here even though i can go on for hours lol