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Brad last won the day on April 30 2016

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About Brad

  • Birthday 05/30/1993

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  • Location
    Lincoln, UK

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  1. I think I love you. In other news, I often call David, we talk about our days have been and recent world events. His favourite cocktail is Sex on the Beach, ironically he also loves long walks on the beach!
  2. There national funds have run low since the release of Braveheart. This is just a scheme set up by the government for another plot to another film. Don't buy in to it! It's a fake vote!
  3. Horses don't take there owners riding other horses lightly. Picture it this way, if you were riding a regular romantic partner, then all of a sudden low and behold you decide to just ride someone else! They would not be happy.
  4. Brad


    Here i thought you guys appreciated good games, Then I remembered this is an ESO fan site Picture a hot bagel on a cold winters day, imagine a Hot water bottle at the bottom of your bed when you're freezing cold, ArcheAge has nothing to do with this. I thought I would just paint a scene.
  5. Brad


    beta weekend. Playing it? bootsandcats.
  6. So what's the difference? Just speed and bug related issues?
  7. You need to shag her to assert your dominance. Then continue on your course of Laddery and piss on her apartment. You could maybe even attempt to eat her goldfish if she still has one, last time I bonked her she did.
  8. I've heard it's a shit game anyway. A single player game with an All Chat
  9. aaaaa I take it you haven't got the Black Sandals of Truth yet then? The guy will respond and help you train then, he only talks to snazzy players, he's a weird guy, but get a few grasshoppers down him and he will be the greatest guy you know. the Snakeskin Flip Flops of the Alderberry will also have the same effect. Try combining that with Leopard Lime Tie Socks and you have an amazing outfit as well. Good Luck and Enjoy, hope i helped!
  10. If you want a few good songs you NEED to check out this guy. Daniel Wakeford will wow your senses with sublime music talent. "He's so good it's not fair" - The Guardian http://rockhouserecords.bandcamp.com/album/second-album
  11. yes because you commented on the story line. you want to comment on the film mention the special effects. They can't stray from the book and the books were meant to be more light hearted than the original lotr
  12. you're commenting on the film because you haven't read the books. your judgement is invalid.
  13. Brad


    there's something like 6 main classes with 40 sub classes, and you can pick 3 sub classes or something so its 120 combinations
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