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  1. Unique Items (Dragonborn) Hi, here is a list of just some of the Unique Items added into Skyrim with the Dragonborn DLC, I hope this was useful for you and thanks for reading. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armour ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahzidal - xx0240fe - "50% Resist Fire; Fire spells do 25% more damage" Ahzidals Armour of Retribution - xx01db97 - "Enemies who strike you with a melee attack have a small chance of being paralysed" Ahzidal's Boots of Waterwalking - xx01c655 - "Waterwalking. If you wear any four Relics of Ahzidal, +10 Enchanting" Ahzidal's Gauntlets of Warding - xx01db99 - "Your Wards are 25% less effective, but absorb 50% of the Magicka from incoming spells" Ahzidal's Helm of Vision - xx01db98 - "Your Conjuration and Rune spells cost 25% more, but can be cast at greater range" Blackguard's Armor - xx02ad33 - "Carrying capacity is increased by 50" Blackguard's Boots - xx02ad34 - "Pickpocket success is 40% better" Blackguard's Gloves - xx02ad32 - "Lockpicking is 40% easier" Blackguard's Hood - xx02ad31 - "Prices are 25% better" Dukaan - xx0240ff - "50% Resist Frost; Frost spells do 25% more damage" Deathbrand Armor - xx02401b - "Increases your stamina by 15 for each Deathbrand item you wear" Deathbrand Boots - xx02401a - "Increases your carrying capacity by 10 for each Deathbrand item you wear" Deathbrand Gauntlets - xx02401c - "While dual-wielding, your one-handed attacks do 10% more damage for each Deathbrand item you wear" Deathbrand Helm - xx02401d - "Waterbreathing. +100 Armour while wearing a complete set of Deathbrand Armor" Visage of Mzund - xx038add - "Increases your stamina by 60 points and allows the wearer to release the Breath of Nchuak, a powerful steam attack" Zahkriisos - xx024037 - "50% Resist Shock; Shock spells do 25% more damage" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two-handed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloodskal Blade - xx01aea4 - Greatsword - "Releases energy blast with power attacks that deals 30 damage." Champion's Cudgel - xx01a578 - Warhammer - "50% chance for each element of fire, frost, and shock to do 25 points of damage" Stormfang - xx026b0b - Greatsword - "Target takes 30 points of shock damage, and half as much Magicka damage" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unique jewelry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahzidal's Ring of Arcana - xx01db9b - "Allows you to cast the spells Ignite and Freeze." Ahzidal's Ring of Necromancy - xx01db9a - "Whenever a creature you have reanimated takes damage, they explode for 50 points of Frost damage and die." Ring of Bloodlust - xx0275b6 - "While in Beast Form, your attacks do 50% more damage, but you also take 50% more damage" Ring of Instinct - xx0275b7 - "When you enter Beast Form, the world around you seems to slow for 20 seconds." Ring of the Hunt - xx0275b9 - "While in Beast Form, your health regenerates." Ring of the Moon - xx0275b8 "Increases the duration of your Howls by 25%" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miraak's Items ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miraak's Robes - xx039d1e - Absorb 15% of the MAGICKA from dragon breath and spells.Chance on hit to spawn a tentacle explosion. Miraak's Boots - xx03d2af - "Adds 5% to the dragon breath and spell absorption of Miraak's Robes" Miraak's Gloves - xx02b0f9 - "Adds 5% to the dragon breath and spell absorption of Miraak's Robes" Miraak's Mask - The version that is received is based on character level. There are six variants of the mask: Light armour Level : 1-44 - Increases your Magicka by 50 points - XX039d2b 45 - 59 - Increases your Magicka by 60 points - XX039d2e 60+ - Increases your Magicka by 70 points - XX039d2f Heavy armour Level : 1 - 44 - Increases your Magicka by 40 points - XX039fa1 45 - 59 - Increases your Magicka by 60 points - XX039fa2 60+ - Increases your Magicka by 70 points - XX039fa3 * - There is a lot more Unique Dragonborn Items for Skyrim; this is just a short list of some of the best and most useful. ** XX = The XX stands for the load order. Let's say that Dragonborn DLC is loaded as mod number 03 and is assigned load code 03 then you need to replace the XX with 03.
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