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Og_Dovakhiin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. My favorite city is probably riverwood, well it was until I murdered the whole town because I accidentally transformed into a werewolf and everyone attacked me and when I ran off my follower stayed behind and killed everyone. Least favorite is Markarth because I can never find anything there.
  2. Ok guys I want to here some of your Op character stories. My most overpowered character (I still play on him) is a level 40 nord who has Full Daedric Armor as of today (spammed gold diamond necklaces raised smithing pretty fast) and a daedric sword (all daedric I have is legendary and enchanted) and conjure dremora lord in one hand (with all conjuration perks) and my follower has full legendary daedric armor and shield a legendary daedric sword and daedric bow (my follower is farkas) and I can take out elder dragons (expert difficulty) with me and my small army in a matter of 2 minutes thanks to dragonrend now all i need to be the strongest dragon born ever is stronger enchantments. So anyway what are you guys Op characters?
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