My favorite city is Whiterun. It is a cool city and it is the first one introduced to you in the game (assuming you follow the main questline) i ownly follow the questline until the quest Dragon Rising. Whiterun has some good followers like Uthgerd the Unbroken in the Bannered Mare, Lydia in Dragonsreach, you can hire Jenassa for 500 coins in the Drunken Huntsman. Whiterun also has the Companions, they are the best fighting guild to join. Once you finish the Companions questline, all the Companions will become your followers. You get the best follower in the game... Aela the Huntress, she is an Expert level Archer. Farkas is a Expert level Two-Handed, Vilkas is an Expert One-Handed. once complete the Companions questline, you become Harbringer (leader) of the Companions. I have completed all the quests in Whiterun, the hardest quest by far is one where you heal the Glidergreen Tree. Breezehome is the cheapest house in Skyrim, It may be small but it is still the best house in my opinion. Eorlund Gray-Mane is the best blacksmith in Skyrim. His works at the Skyforge. These are all the reasons why I choose Whiterun as the best city.