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  1. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRR!!!! <33 years! That's amazing!
  2. Thank you everyone very much :lol:How did the fun war go yesterday?I'll be on later today and Saturday I'm going back home(Grandma is fine, still in the hospital)And then Sunday I don't know if I'm hanging out with mom or staying home to play Runescape all daySo who knows if I make it to sunday war not, probably not lol
  3. I have fought rock crabs for hours straight increasing my combat levels and str atk def and Bwads was super super nice giving me the Rune set to get ready for the war,I was hoping to participate in these wars Thursday and Sunday but unfortunately, I'm now unavailable as I have just received a phone call from my uncle telling me grandma is sick and in the hospital so I must go pack up and drive down to New Jersey now!I doubt that I will be on during the war times that I worked hard for from combat lvl 20 something to now 51.... this is a real shame...I'm sorry that I cannot make the war times and Bwads I'll return your Rune equipment when we see each other online again...Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused
  4. omg awesome, Lol Players here :DI have the game installed and I'm a newb at it ;)I'm only summoner lvl 4 and my IGN is AddisonH
  5. Well I hate to say this... because I love Jagex for a great, old, and popular game.. but... they just got owned x.x
  6. Nice o.o Well yeah, your right about getting to 20 being easy.. I've already got 2 skills downFergal I plan on doing that :3 20, 30, 40, and etc ;)Oh guys! I have another goal... get my butt in the high scores list so people may see my skills... lol
  7. Well seeing that I just started the game and I've already gone member... I want to see what every skill does, get the feel of this game and get better at it.SO I'm going to get to or over lvl 20 in every skill! I have 17 skills to get to 20 haha XDThis is gonna be a long-term goal, or not! Who knows haha!
  8. Well good job Destiny :)For me, I think I'll be safe! Facebook is how I login to play Runescape on this account!And they don't know my password which is mediumish so I think they may have trouble getting in...If they do get in.. thanks for the tip, I'll put my stuff in the bank before logging off and my bank pin is good!
  9. Well, yeah all the shittier bots are gone thank god!But all the popular ones are for sure going to back...I have a good feeling that someday, maybe in a year or so, Jagex will come up with something to destroy bots for good forever............. nah I don't know that's just me dreaming!When the bots do come back up, All I'll be like is "Hey what's up?" like 5 times giving it a minute in between following them, and then say "your a bot aren't you?"And if they don't say anything.. I'll report them!!! I'll report 100's of them idc I hate bots!
  10. I'm really sorry for your loss :/I never knew that when I saw you in-game, I should have looked through the forums more closely!When my papa passed away... I was torn to pieces, he was everything to me!I'm sorry for your loss and I hope everything goes well for you!
  11. 1, rabbit, and ApolloI voted that YOUR AMAZING!!!I think this is an exciting thing to have!!!With me going to be active and all, I love to have this kind of fun :3I can't wait to see this come alive... amazing idea :3
  12. I would be really glad to do so!!!! :DNice to meet you as well Lion :3Loving this clan already, made a few friends already I see
  13. Well I hope it does get accepted :)Blue_cheese has helped me get my Halloween Event Quest done :3That was fun :DI'm probably going to end up being on Runescape for a good while and haha ok I'll make very good use out of P2P And hey, it's only like $7.95 a month so I'll be fine! I might be adding more months every month or every 2 weeks XD
  14. Blue Speed I will probably enjoy being a rebel most definitely :DThat's amazing you've been here for years and have a maxed account o.oThat's my ultimate goal, is having a maxed account :3 But I'm going to start with smaller goals (Which I don't really have any yet haha)I'll definitely add you in-game :)That's cool Destiny I bet you have a lot of fun planning events :PI'll probably have some up my sleeve, but that's not for awhile! I need to get to know the game well first ;D
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