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  1. So are you guys up for this? Because it's supposed to start this Sunday, so opening up Signups would be cool.
  2. I'm trying to organize a 5 clan "Winter Olympics"! We had a Summer Olympics within our own clan of Subsistence, but I like to think big, so here is the expanded, re-designed Winter Olympics. I made this and posted it on 5 different Clan websites, so it may sound 3rd person-ish but that's Ok, just ignore it. The Participants The clans I'm trying to contact into doing this are Subsistence, Arisos, Irenic, The Runescape Rebelz and Double Vision. All are good clans with good people, so I figure it could be a bonding expierence for everyone. The Basic Outline Member's Division: I will keep track of ALL MEMBER PARTICIPANTS using Runetrack Clan Competition tracker, with a set Starting date and ending date. Completely fair, pure statistics, and you can check up on it whenever you like. Here's an example one I made to see if it would work. There will be one of these for every skill, so everyone can see it. http://runetrack.com...ker.php?id=9019 I will make ONE selected member of each clan privy to the administrator login to edit the competition tracker, to edit it with members and such. Free to play Division: Very, Very tricky. This has to be an "On your honor" type of thing. You would have to screenie the xp window at the beginning and end, and promise you don't cheat. The Skills NO BUYABLE SKILLS WILL BE INCLUDED Member Skills: Agility, Thieving, Slayer, Hunter, Mining, Fishing, Woodcutting. Free to play skills: Mining, Fishing, Woodcutting. Combat Skills(For both P2P and F2P): Attack, Strength, Defense, HP. If a skill is not up there, it's buyable and therefore is not included. Entering A thread will probably be made where you can sign up, but here's the catch. In order to give the Top 3 finishers prize money, there is an entry fee to enter yourself in the skill. The fee will probably be around 35-50k, and I'm guessing financial aid will be available to those who really need it, but really any of the skills listed above can get you enough cash to cover it. Except Agility. So let's Say Lewis really wants to participate in Hunter, Woodcutting, Attack, and HP. He pays the entree fee for those skills and then he's officially entered into the competition for those skills. The entree fee goes straight into the pot for JUST THAT SKILL IN WHATEVER DIVISION, so you should only sign up for skills you feel you have a chance of getting Top 3. This brings me to a VERY important part. NO MEMBERS CAN ENTER NON-MEMBER COMPETITION. For obvious reasons. Problems Now, I know this isn't perfect, and here's why. Obviously, money is involved. So each clan should choose someone THEY TRUST with the entree fee money, to be distributed at the closing ceremonies. And whoever they choose to hold the money HAS TO KEEP TRACK OF IT, I really need your help here with this. So choose a quality leader who actually cares about this event I'm trying to do, and is willing to keep track of it. He will only be responsible for his clan's cash. Non-members, it will be easy for you to cheat, so don't. DATES Opening Ceremonies would commence Sunday, January 29th at 4 PM EST. Skilling would start at 7 PM EST on the 22nd, or Midnight on Monday GMT time. For free to play contestants, take your screenshots days in advance, and do not train that skill until it starts, because cheaters suck. Same goes for Members I guess, but I can catch the members if they cheat, which is disqualification. Combat skills will begin a week later, on Sunday February 5th at 7 PM EST or Midnight the 30th in the UK. Closing Ceremonies will be the following Sunday, February 12th, at 4 PM EST or 9 PM GMT. Prizes will be given out at that time. If a winner cannot make it, then they will receive their prize whenever is convienent for the winner and the money-holder. At the closing ceremonies, the different leaders will give me the pot money from the different skills, and I will distribute. (I'm not a jerk, I don't have it in me to scam). If a leader who has the money cannot make it, please plan to give it to me accordingly. Effigies/Soul Wars/Pest Control are also not allowed, but there is no way I can check so just don't be a jerk about it.
  3. Clan: Subsistence Role in Clan: Clan Ambassador, (Sisqo is my boss) Why are you applying to be a clan friend: All events regarding TRR And Subsistence will be handled through me or Sisqo, so I figure it's a good idea for me to be a Clan Friend/Diplomat on here.
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