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  1. I have been receiving this problem for the past 3 days and now this is pissing me off to an unimaginable extent. I purchased the Imperial Edition a month ago, and started my subscription just right now- 2 days ago. Firstly, after downloading the game through Steam, the launcher opens. okay, so it starts downloading. Afterwards, it gets stuck on 3% for 4 HOURS. So then, I resolve this issue, will a couple of more freezes coming in. Everything is fine because I'm really excited to play. THEN, the game finally finishes downloading. Updates, and core-game is finishes, and I press the play button. Black screen appears for 3 seconds, and ERROR MESSAGE is received. "We're sorry but the Elder Scrolls Online has quit unexpectedly". So I do a little research, and after reading about 200 posts off various forums, I've tried; EVERY. POSSIBLE. THING. I ran the game as admin, updated my DirectX, updated my drivers, repaired the whole game, checked for updates, changed the script .txt file in documents- and now the same message is coming again and again. I am so sick and tired of this. Can someone PLEASE tell me a solution, I am DYING over here, that's like 70$ gone down the drain. PLEASE HELP ME I BEG YOU. HERE ARE DETAILS DISPLAYED AT CRASH INFO.: Code: ==================================================================== eso encountered a fatal error. (Error 11) Description: Client Fatal Error ==================================================================== [reporter] version = 0.01 [extra] ProductName = eso Version = eso.live. branch = live client.executablebits = 32 client.mode = startup client.renderertype = D3D11 client.session_start_timestamp = 2015-01-23T16:39:03.801Z client.timestamp = 2015-01-23T16:39:06.504Z -frme 0- computer.name = THEARK computer.user = hamza_000 cpu.arch = 0 cpu.count = 8 cpu.level = 6 cpu.type = 586 data.depotid = 4000 data.dir = H:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/Zenimax Online/The Elder Scroll data.syncm = databuild data.version = 0.win.0.live.1052206 exe.buildnum = 1103452 exe.opt = release exe.reltype = public exe.type = client fe.code = 11 fe.descrip = Client Fatal Error gfx.description = gfx.deviceid = 4993.275976414.162 gfx.driver = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 gfx.vendorid = 4318 mem.physical = 8158 os.osbits = 64 os.platform = windows os.version = 6.2.9200. ptime = 0 reportfield.ver = 3 version.major = 1 version.patch = 5 version.subpatch = 7
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