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  1. Buttons's post in Talsgar The Wanderer won't leave my house!!!! was marked as the answer   
    Ok, well, he finally left. Just gotta give the guy some space i suppose....
  2. Buttons's post in Tolfdir wont make his next move was marked as the answer   
    So this is what i did, seeing that no one cared to give me a code to make it simple: I killed the cat (the one at the college who was standing behind Tolfdir) then being chased by a bunch of amateur magicians I made my escape and kept running out of town until i was able to fast travel, at which point i fast traveled to the nearest place that didn't have any guards, proceeded to wait there for 24 hours and then fast traveled back to the college of Winterhold where i resurrected the cat, then spoke to Tolfdir again, who told me; "In light of the unfortunate incident that took place recently, i think it best we move on..."
    Quest complete!
    In any case, I didn't like doing it this way because i wasn't sure if the cat would ever be the same again.
    So thank you all anyway.... 
  3. Buttons's post in cant adopt lucia? was marked as the answer   
    Never mind... the stupid little shit is talking again. I remembered my timescale is set at 1, so i waited 24 hours. All good. My bad.
    Buttons out
    Hey David, you can delete this threat if you see fit to do so
  4. Buttons's post in Can't get to Solstheim was marked as the answer   
    Ok, you will need to be more exact with what is going on. Does it say that it has completed installation or whatever process wording it uses?? If it looks like it is installed correctly, what level are you on and how exactly isn't it working? Be precise.
    Keep in mind that Dragonborn doesn't activate until about 5 or 6 of the main quests are complete. And as much as i would hate to say this: if you cant find any kids, try the orphanage in Riften and look for the other street kids during the day, not at night. 
    In any case I'm busy racking my brain to find answers for you. I think it might be something simple.... It usually is. 
    One other thing, as David mentioned, check to make sure your dlc boxes are ticked in DATA FILES
  5. Buttons's post in How do you share pictures / images on this site? was marked as the answer   
    As you can see by the "reply directly to this quote" box above where i am writing, and the picture i have on the new post that you may want to delete, IT WORKS! I WAS DOING IT RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!! I'M SO HAPPY IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!! iNTERNET EXPLORER IS TO BLAME!!! INTERNET EXPLORER SUCKS SHIT! GOOGLE CHROME ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP DAVE! YOU THE MAN! WHO IS?? YOU IS!!!! YOU ISSSS THE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Baby....
  6. Buttons's post in Soul gems arent filling with souls! Freaken me out, sort of... was marked as the answer   
    none of them were working but after restarting the game it seems to be doing ok. Thanks man!
  7. Buttons's post in Adding Potions to Inventory via Console Commands was marked as the answer   
    never mind, I found some workable codes.
  8. Buttons's post in Riften House Rage! was marked as the answer   
    Alright.... after a very bloody ordeal I've finally got my Riften House. I'm going to tell you what happened just in case someone else faces the same problem, which is very likely:
        Now, after becoming very upset I took my frosty warhammer into the Jarl Laila Law-Giver and took off her head while she was eating her 2pm lunch. Me and my two companions, Lydia and Vigilance, and with a little help from my sanguine rose friend, then proceeded to destroy everyone there. After turning the jarls home into a bloodbath we went outside to destroy the rest of the town.....  As it happens, it must have been several minutes later, while I was killing a skinny homeless man with long white hair (which was also about the same time I saw my beautiful dog laying dead on the ground nearby), that I realised where I may have gone wrong....
        So I stopped the game and went back to a point before I started to destroy the town and decided to help a few people. I know that in the other towns the jarl would request that I help a handful of people before making me thane, but apparently in Riften they don't ask you, they just expect that you should know that much by now. And I guess that's reasonable enough.....
        I'm now happy to say, after giving the skinny old man a coin, helping some woman find a few wraith teeth, assisting an elf to figure out a clue about his past, and then finally grabbing some fire salts for the smith master - a caption finally came up on my screen to say that I had completed something.
    ....So I went and bought a house.  It's a nice little house, it even has a garden.
    I hope this helps someone out there, and thanks to the rest of you for listening. Buttons is happy again
  9. Buttons's post in CAN'T MARRY was marked as the answer   
    I think what you have to do is find Onmund, go into console, click on Onmund, and type:
                                   AddToFaction 19809 1
    I hope that works, although I am quite new to all this and am not entirely certain what "no DLC" means (for me that's tech talk)But if you can use Console it should work.... if it doesn't work you haven't lost anything. I have been compiling a book of command codes for various things. and I try them all out before I enter them into that book. Good luck with Onmund!
  10. Buttons's post in Ice Form Shout. Help!!! was marked as the answer   
    Francis, your funny.
    Anyway, I just worked it out. The caption was very misleading. (Never my fault). What I actually had to do is go to the bottom of the screen where it had 15 DRAGON SOULS, and then hit that with my sheath (drop) button, that unlocked my dragon soul. FINALLY!!! after that I just followed the prompts. i think i need a drink of something strong.
    Thanks for your effort!   Much appreciated.  
    What level you at?
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