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  1. Hello to you all guys. Glad to be here for sure. So here's my story. I'm running a steam legendary edition of Skyrim. My rig is AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-Core 2200 Mhz, 4 gb ram DDR2, Samsung HD321JK 320 Gb, ESC GeForce 750M-M rev. 2.0, Gigabyte Windforce Nvidia GTX 750 TI OC, Windows 7 x64 The game runs pretty smootly (avarage of 50 fps I think )with the high setting the Skyrim launcher has automatically assigned, but there are some occasinal frame drops to the low 30's, so I decided to cap my frame rate to half the refresh rate of my monitor, which is 30 fps. And I'm generally okay with that frame rate, because I don't get any screen tearing or performance drops lower than those 30 fps, but the thing is I experience a noticable input lag that way, the mouse feels just like jelly if you know what I mean. Anyway it's too sluggish and that is very strange because I don't feel any input lag if the game is vsynced to the full refresh rate of my monitor, even when the frame rate drops to the low 30's. How I capped the framerate to 30 fps. First I disabled Vsync through Skyrim INI files, then I forced adaptive vsync (half the refresh speed) with the nvidia control panel. I also turned off the mouse acceleration by tweaking the INI files, because the mouse is always sluggish if that option is active. The question is, can I do anything to reduce the mouse lag with the frame rate fixed at 30? Or should I just bear with some occasional frame drops from 60 to the low 30's?
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