Okay, so I know that I was never the most acive member in the clan, but there's a reason I've been nowhere near it in a while. What with revision, my timetable isn't what I wat it to be - I have way too much revision and homework =/. Also, there are other, more interesting games that I want to play. Don't get me wrong - Runescape is very close to my heart - but I have better things that I want to do other than Runescape. But the main reason I haven't been on in so long is that I got hacked, and lost all my stuff and money. I won't have time to restart until all my exams are over, or at least some of them. So, I'll be off for a few months. I'll try my hardest to get back playing the game again as soon as possible, but I'm still sort of devastated that I got all my things robbed =( . I've never had alot of money in RS (at lvl 30 I thought that a bronze spear was a great weapon, and that 200gp was a fortune - shut up! I was little!) and everything of any worth that I've ever owned in-game I've had to work really hard for.I'll make a bigger effort to get on during events e.g. Christmas, Easter. And I'll check RS news, so that when I do get back, there isn't going to be a whole load of new crap that I don't recognize. But don't expect to see me playing often, or at all.Don't make any mistake - this isn't an "I quit" note, and I'll definitely be back. It'll just be a long while. And all I can hope for is that when I'm back, I'll be included in the clan again.See ya guys, Lots of loveBioblit