Well Francis, this is where I as a PS3 (Skyrim) & PS4 (ESO) player am forced to admit that the PC players have a certain advantage over us console folk. I've seen some truly amazing videos of add-on and video enhancements available to the PC crowd and do find myself envious at times, but alas, it's just not an option for me. I do hope we can still be friends though! I don't mind the excitement over ESO, I'm excited too. And, you're right, there is a significant difference between Skyrim and ESO. I had the opportunity to participate in the final two beta weekends and am eagerly awaiting the console release (and hopefully some early console beta play as well). It doesn't change my fondness for Skyrim and my hope for an Elder Scrolls VI. I'm curious, you mentioned that you've kept your original character. Have you played through all the quest lines? What level is your character? Are you still playing, and if so, what are you up to ATM (add-ons or regular content)?