I am currently in the progress of (through empirical research) determining the mechanics behind damage dealt. This means finding out how a combination of skills, stats, and effects deal damage to monsters, both with skills and weapons. If you have any suggestions on what to test next, please leave a reply below. So far I have been playing around with my Nightblade, as they have an easy way of guaranteeing a crit, and various passive modifiers to stealth and invisibility, as well as al manner of debuffs, that make finding out this kind of data more consistent. Data was derived from hitting the same kind of mobs repeatedly, while at the same level, with various skills and weapons. Using Foundry Tactical Combat and Recount to keep track of damage numbers and the mobs health numbers, to check for inconsistencies. Modifiers tested so far: Modifier: Effects: Notes/research to be done: Critical Hit: Deals 1.5x regular damage regardless of weapon or skill type. No research done yet regarding critical severity multipliers, no research done on staves yet. Stealth: Breaks on dealing damage, taking damage, applying crowd control, or being spotted. Deals X times weapon damage on next attack. Where X = ~2.5x for melee weapons, ~1.625x for bows, ~2.5x for skills (many skills get no bonus for being used from stealth) Staves do not appear capable of getting a damage bonus or proccing the stun. You must be behind the target to proc the bonus damage or stun. Applies a Stun (length approximately 1.5 seconds, up to 3 seconds with the Nightblade passive) Next attack cannot crit. Skill data not 100% consistent, some skills appear to count as weapons while others don't? Also unknown which spells that don't deal damage will still break stealth. Stunned: Does not appear to inherently grant bonus damage. Target cannot move or use skills. No research done yet on what counts as "Vulnerable target" for the bow skills. Off Balance: Target cannot move or use skills. Light attacks and skills do not break the effect, heavy attacks do. Next Heavy attack deals ~1.45 x damage and applies knockdown, breaking the effect. Knockdown appears to last ~1.5 seconds. No research done on whether it gives bonus damage to light attacks or skills. Invisible: Breaks on dealing damage, but cannot be spotted. Does not count as stealth. No bonus to damage other than what the skill and passives grant you. Reverts you to stealth or normal status when it ends, depending on what you were before you became invisible. Can go stealth while invisible, but does not break spots under any circumstance, merely interrupts them. No research on whether it counts as stealth vs. other players, or the effect of invisibility granted to other players by the Shadow ultimate. Bash: Appears to do about 60% of the damage of a heavy attack. Interrupts casting on mobs and applies Off Balance. Need research on bashing with more weapon-types, and shields. Light Attack: For Bow: Damage appears to be gained from both weapon damage and stamina. 1 Weapon damage seems to translate roughly into 0.9 damage 40 stamina equivelant to 1 weapon damage. No research done on speed yet, bow ratios require further scrutiny, as the numbers aren't big enough to tell much yet. Ratios don't take into account armour, actual ratios probably higher. Heavy Attack: For Bow: Damage is gained from both weapon damage and stamina 1 Weapon damage translates into about 2 damage 40 stamina equivelant to 1 weapon damage For 2-Handed: When taking armour into account: 1 weapon damage translates into about 1.75 raw damage (~1.55 after most mob's armour) 40 stamina equivelant to 1 weapon damage. Not 100% accurate on the ratios yet, but a good approximation. Ratios don't take into account armour, actual ratios probably higher. Notes on various Weapontypes: Weapon types tested so far: 2-H Sword, Dualwielding Daggers, Bow, One-handed Dagger. Dual-Wielding: Dual-wielding works very diferrently currently from what one might expect. I will list my findings below: Light attacks do not vary between main and off-hand damage, they deal a consistent, single amount of damage. Off-hand adds 50% of its damage to heavy attacks, and possibly light attacks too, the damage shown on recount or FTC is inconsistent with the health removed from the mob. Passive bonus to off-hand damage does not seem to affect the damage contributed by the off-hand specifically (though possibly it does increase overall damage while dual-wielding). Weapon damage on the character page appears to be buggy. Regular Heavy attacks seem to be dealing more damage than they should. The same seems to happen when using invisibility to get a guaranteed crit. Stealth attacks appear to do 2x damage, rather than the expected 2.7x Main-hand weapon damage appears to be reduced compared to one-hand wielding as well as off-hand. Have not tested dual-wielding without the off-hand bonus passive, required for more detailled data. One-handed: Bow: Activating invisibilty with crit buff while a projectile is in flight appears to grant the same benefits as though you had fired the projectile from invisibility, granting the crit and damage bonus from passives, and breaking the invisibility when the projectile lands. Not sure if this is only with Bow, or with all projectiles, further testing required. Notes on various Skills: General: Skills gain damage at different ratio's per skill, depending on the individual skill. One thing appears to remain consistent however: For skills that use Magicka, the amount of damage gained from 1 spellpower is equivelant to the damage gained from about 20 magicka For skills that use Stamina, the amount of damage gained from 1 weapon damage is equivelant to the damage gained from about 10 stamina. Nightblade: Veiled Strike: The Stun effect appears to continue even if you have used up the "off-balance" effect, until 4 seconds have passed. Armour reduction (40%) from the Surprise Attack morph appears to increase damage vs. regular mobs by about 10%. Assassin's Blade: "Low Health" is exactly 25% HP or lower. Does not appear to be capable of critical hits under any circumstance.