Aftermath guild is looking for aproximately 20 more members, We are a medium sized guild that put together a solid mix of casual players, crafters and Hardcore raiders. We are looking for all roles at this point. Our guys are looking for players that want to share crafting mats, group up to gain the rings of mara exp bonus, as well hardcore raiders to fill our ranks. Afteramath has been around since 2011, so we will be playing ESO for years to come. We only ask that our members check the forums once a week for game updates, and new information, as well as post any suggestions you may have for the guild, we like our members to have a voice and the forums are and excellent tool for this. Raiders we ask that you show up 15 mins prior to raid start times, so we can get started on time. We are not a guild full of rules, just simple courtsey's. We post raids for everyone to sign up for, but no one is required to run anything. We only accept applications from guys with previous MMO experience, we are not a training guild but we do help each other as often as possible. If you would like to know more about us,check out this video about us , to join us simply register on