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Beast Ala Mode

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Beast Ala Mode's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Resources keep pouring in. You might want to check out these guides: http://teso.mmorpg-life.com/lorebooks-locations-map/ https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/145241c48805f8d3 Feel free to add any good info you have to the site! See you all in game! Beast Aka Perfectflow
  2. Check these out: Enchanting guide: http://elderscrollsonline.info/crafting/enchanting Alchemy: http://elderscrollsonline.info/crafting/alchemy Sky Shard Guide: http://teso.mmorpg-life.com/database/skyshard-locations-map/
  3. To join our Gentleman Gankers Ventrillo download Ventrillo here: http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php Then use the below info with your Vent name the same as your ESO character name. terbium.typefrag.com port 7705 pw: fett
  4. Contemplating various builds? Want to learn about PVP or game details? Here are some great resources you can find on the web: General info: http://tamrielfoundry.com/ They have lots of info on the game an an excellent forum to discuss with players from other guilds. They have a great simple Q&A section you can find here: http://tamrielfoundry.com/topic/simple-questions-simple-answers-thread-v/ Working on a build? Test out your theoretical build here: http://esohead.com/calculator/skills
  5. Do you feel in your bones that you are meant to be a Gentlemen Ganker? To know the answer to that question you must know what it means to be a Gentlemen Ganker. To be a Gentleman Ganker you musn't merely Gank your foes in an uncouth manner, but rather show a certain distinguished poise whilst you melt the opposition. We don't merely gank them and leave them, we must stay after and make scathing remarks to our enemies corpse. Too often in gaming one doesn't show the proper etiquette to truly gank with flair. If you feel you pass muster, please send your membership request for consideration.
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