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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I had posted a 'looking for guild' thread not long ago, however within the hour fell upon this fine group of people. Immediately I had a sense of belonging and inclusiveness to the guild, and I'm already more than enjoying myself. If you're looking for exactly what you've always wanted out of an online gaming guild, then I suggest you fill out that application
  2. First, a bit about myself I suppose. I am 22 years old, and I live in the central United States. I own a home and have an amazing fiance that I wouldn't trade for the world. I've been gaming pretty steadily since I was about 8 years old. Naturally I played all the old school Nintendo games and that, but my first real PC game was Age of Empires II: Age of Kings. A classic. My dad got me into it pretty early and I had fun getting stomped by him and his friends. I've been an Elder Scrolls fan for years now and I can honestly say that ESO is and forever will be the only game I pay to play, it's worth it lol. Teamwork, Maturity, and Strong Leadership are all a must for possible guild candidates. Speaking of.. Let's get back on topic shall we? I'm looking for a guild that focuses a lot on PvE, but isn't scared to run onto the battlefield. I love RP guilds, however I haven't noticed too many as yet so that isn't necessary, but definitely a plus. I typically play as a healer, I have been on top PvP rankings as a healer, I enjoy it, it's what I do. I haven't quite decided what Faction/Race I want to play yet, basically waiting for a Guild influence on that. I don't mind using Teamspeak/Ventrilo, it saves lives. If you wanna know anything else, just ask, I'm not shy Kor
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