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Everything posted by Vodac

  1. Was not intended for PvP just PvE but it is also something I just wanted to try just because. I am working on it now but it’s an alt so it will be a while before I know if it can work or not but ill drop an update.
  2. Does anyone know if the magicka returns from Elemental Drain can fuel Shadow Cloak, and allow you to cast Shadow Cloak, Elemental Drain, Shadow Cloak, Heavy Attack, Shadow Cloak, Heavy Attack, Shadow Cloak, Heavy Attack, Shadow Cloak, Heavy Attack, Shadow Cloak, Heavy Attack, Shadow Cloak, and Elemental Drain and not run out of magicka? I know there are things I can do to reduce magicka consumption and increase regen and expand magicka pool but I was wondering if it would work just by the skills them self’s Thanks for any input I do appreciate it I don’t have a character capable of testing it out just now. If you are interested I’ve put a link to the skills below. http://esohead.com/calculator/skills#mcoz9Mk9MW9c8Irtt8hMj48dauD8DziA8IPbk85kL7NLkLu8e7Gzaqk6zaqj6zaqT6Laqq8C7b68D7rmzdm6MIsaM8F7RLzrJ6MIPNU8zc7068zo7VcvbiW8zf7zzNbo8zu7zzHfYE6zHfZd8zG7AzHQ3F6cHSDz6cHQ4a6cHQ4h6zHQ316cHSCW8zI7zzJIoX6zJIkL8zN7zzJZcY8zA7zzKpUN8zL7zzK4EX
  3. Dont forget Trapping WebsCast Time: InstantRange: 28mCost: 124 MagickaDeals 44 magic damage and snares an enemy 40% for 8 seconds.Allies may activate Spawn Broodlings synergy.Deals 88 magic damage.Summons 2 spiders for 10 seconds.MorphsSipder Silk: Upgraded Spiders. Black Widows last longer and have poison DoT.
  4. Level 50 in 17 hours, a quest in pvp was kill 20 people and repeatable. Its just been patched to every 24 hours
  5. HAHAHA, Translation You can reset most of everything, = your build is the suck. And there are more than enough skill points in the long run. = Even you can’t possibly Gimp your self. Don't sweat it. Just play to have fun. = There no way in hell you’ll ever crush some on in PVP let alone multiple PVE mobs. “I said WHAT?â€
  6. LOL, yes hard caps are my entire fault, they must have put the soft cap in for you. I am looking forward to trying this combo out but I can’t not until after Sunday and 45 levels. But thanks for taking a look. I feel justified in having my head ache now.
  7. Assuming what you’re fighting is not dead before you get to G.
  8. Me too, thats why i need help. I still think it’s a boat load of damage at any rate. Weapon damage Damage Ability damage Melee attack power Weapon attack Weapon ability Crit Some of theses are not stat terms the only stats are weapon damage and weapon critical I guess we need ability damage also but it’s not listed. A. Flawless Dawnbraker weapon attack 12% B. Heavy Weapons is a flat 5% damage I believe accost the board. C. Juggernaut is 1% melee attack per piece of armor. = 7% (any attack with a melee weapon) Rally weapon damage 10%, +2% every 2 seconds. (24% at 14 seconds leaving 9 seconds to stack damage) Critical Rush it’s just to get to the mob and help lower hp with in rang of executioner. So far we have A. B. and C stacking D. Power Extraction weapon damage 9% per mob hit (3 mobs = 27%) E. Ambush next attack 32% damage F. Shadowy Disguise (not an attack) sets up Crit for final attack. G. Executioner does Physical Damage up to 300% weapon abilities do 16% more damage to target under 25% hp. All of the attacks are instant accept Shadowy Disguise at .75 We have A. 12% weapon attack, B. 5% damage, C. 7% melee attack, D. 27% weapon damage, E. 32% damage F. next attack is a crit + 50% to total damage, G. +16% weapon ability damage and 1 to 300% physical damage.
  9. useing esohead. http://www.esohead.com/calculator/skills#ccczxxwAEM8IPQY8GFlr8IrtX8wABL8LxRA8wAly8IfVk8rrXS8IPfI8A4rt8LxRi8T7NbRMA6MrqAZ8x7CNsfr6Nsff6Nsfw6MwGN16MwGAR8C7DNzqq6MGFWc6MGFWA6MGFWn8D7xbzdm6NbMz8F7JNzrK6bbux8O7mbdeB8P7addYw6cLncn6zLyjz 653% damage if attacking 3 mob at a time mabey, i dont think the math is corect but this rotation will let you stack all the damage bounses.
  10. You are quite right, and not snarky at all. Its my error. I'll have all the data in short order. 2H Sword -Heavy WeaponsRank ½ 2 ■Swords: +3% damage. =6% 7 heave armor -JuggernautRank ½ 2 ■+1% melee attack power per piece of equipped Heavy Armor.=7% U. Flawless Dawn Breaker ■Morphs ◦Flawless Dawnbreaker: While slotted, weapon attacks deal 13% more damage. Second 2 hand sword Rally waits 17 seconds ■+10% weapon damage for 20 seconds.= 10% ■+2% additional weapon damage every seconds. =34% switch First 2H Sword Critical Rush ■Charge towards and attack for 7 physical damage, immobilizing the target for 0.5 seconds. Always deals critical damage. ◦Critical Rush: Deals bonus damage based on distance traveled. Power Extraction (1 to 9 Mobs) ■Caster's weapon power increases 11% per enemie cap increased to 9; weapon damage increased.=99% Ambush ■Morphs ◦Ambush: +37% damage for your next attack on target. Target is stunned. Shadowy Disguise ■Morphs ◦Shadowy Disguise: +100% critical strike rating while invisible. Executioner ■Damage dealt increases based on target's missing health.up to 300% ◦Executioner: While slotted, weapon abilities deal 18% more damage to low health targets at 25% health.. Thanks I think not sure. 6%,7%,13%,10%,34%,99%,37%,18%,300%/CRIT 524%/CRIT =786% damage http://teso.mmorpg-life.com/eso-skill-calculator/nightblade/?calc=424.444.490.493.496.567.:670-2.677-2.678-2.:588.x457.468.493.562.573.::588. Number are a bit difrent on this sight.
  11. Can someone with better math skills than me pleases tell me what the total % to damage is at the end of this rotation? I tried and have a headache now. 2H Sword 7 heave armor U. Flawless Dawn Breaker Second 2 hand sword 1. Rally waits 17 seconds switch First 2H Sword 1. Critical Rush 2. Power Extraction (1 to 9 Mobs) 3. Ambush 4. Shadowy Disguise 5. Executioner Thanks
  12. The base armor Actives don’t have an armor type requirement, so you can use them once you learn them but the morph part does and all the passives do. e.g. Immovable Cast Time: Instant / SelfCost: 56 Stamina+17 armor and spell resistance for 8 seconds.Immune to knockback and disabling effects for duration.Morphs Immovable Brute: Increased melee damage for each piece of heavy armor equipped.Unstoppable: Increased duration for each piece of heavy armor equipped.Weapon active and passives are a different story some work some you need the weapon equipped.
  13. Watch his hp he come very close to dying a few times. In his videos he only fights single tank type bosses, they don’t seem to have CC of their own or gap closers, they just run after him as he kit’s them CC’s them and lock’s them down. The few videos he has up with him fighting ranged or more than 1 boss he ends up dead. I don’t think, ranged is over powered. I think boss mob need to have better tactics and use some of the skills we have the ability to use. As far as having an advantage over melee, yes because the boss mobs are for 2 or more people and do a lot of damage. As a tank you get hit and solo you don’t have heals. As ranged you don’t have to get hit. Just giving all bosses a ranged attack would fix the problem. Lest not over look Force’s skill I sure some people out their have a tank build and the skill to kill solo some of the boss mobs, unfortunately I know I don’t.
  14. No, but they do get stronger based off your spell power / magkica. and skill level I, II, III, IV
  15. I was playing around with this last beta does anyone know if there are more basic mouse attacks? Tap left mouse button: light attack Hold down left mouse button: strong attack Hold down right mouse button: block Hold down right mouse button tap left mouse button: interrupt Tap right mouse button tap left mouse button together: interrupt An interrupt will stop spell casting and weapon abilities if done at the right time, it will disorient a mob 1.5 seconds, and If followed up with a strong attack it will knock down a mob for 2 seconds. Attack animations: all of the above attacks have different attack animations. The attack below has a different attack than all of the above, and leads me to believe it is a different attack. Tap right mouse button tap right mouse button tap left mouse button: result in different attack animation than any of the above attacks. I was not able to tell it did more damage that a light attack or strong attack or had any possible status effects.
  16. No, it does not kill your concept, some passives and short term buffs do cross over e.g. The 2 hand skill momentum adds 2 damage a second for 10 seconds it keeps working when you switch to bow. If the description does not state that it only applies to a weapon type or certain abilities it probably will cross over.
  17. Do light/strong attacks from staff use sta. ? I thought is was all base off Magicka?
  18. short verson Orc Heavy Armor Expertise Axes: 10% chance to bleed . 2H One Lotus Fan: Teleport to an enemy and unleash a fan of knives for 120 physical damage to all nearby enemies. Affected enemies are snared 60% for 8 seconds and bleed for 164 physical damage. Target is not stunned. Brawler: Gain a damage shield that scales with number of targets hit. Rally: Heals when effect ends. Immovable Brute: Increased melee damage for each pieve of heavy armor equipped. Degeneration: Your weapon attacks against target restore health. (U) Veil of Blades: Deals damage every 0.5 seconds for duation. 2H Two Leeching Strikes: Basic attacks heal you for 2% of maximum health. Sap Essence: Damage removed, heals based on target's hit. Killer's Blade: Heal 15% of maximum health when killing enemy with this ability. Manifestation of Terror: Sets a fear trap, target cap removed. Executioner: While slotted, weapon abilities deal more damage to low health targets (U)Dawnbreaker AOE,self healing,tank with a little burst damage. thanks for the info Yaije.
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