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Adi-Wan last won the day on March 25 2014

Adi-Wan had the most liked content!

Adi-Wan's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Great to see you guys still truckin', too. Not to derail your thread about the "good old days", but man those days were good. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I hope we see you guys around tamriel / cyrodiil soon!
  2. I played for about 3 hours last night with the characters from previous betas available, but it shut down at 10pm CST & I haven't gotten back in since. All of my bugged quests were indeed fixed and the sky/world looked amazing on ultra high settings. Anyone been able to get back in today?
  3. I looked at DW passives in the last beta, and the way it's written in the DB on this site is not the same as it's written in game. The cited wording in my post above is wrong, and in game, it calls out specifically for DW abilities to benefit from the passive, killing the concept.
  4. I just wanted to stop in on this thread and say hello. I was a part of The Councilmen from <Remnants of the Jedi> & remember playing against you all often on Naritus & wanted to let you guys know that what few of us are left are playing in the Daggerfall Covenant. So, it appears we'll be adversaries again. Please post which Campaign you're going to select here so we can sync up in Cyrodiil again! /bowrespect
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