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  1. I won´t vote because i don´t know yet. The game has the Potiential to become the best, (imho), but there are many annoying bugs and glitches. So it´s up to the developers, if they care about the game, and make the right decicions, i can easily see me playing it for or a Year or even longer.
  2. I´ve found a Mundus Stone near Daggerfall called , The Lady, and it is supposed to give an Armor Buff, but i can´t see any difference in Armor rating after activation. Is it bugged ?
  3. But i´m still exited and can´t wait for next Beta
  4. wow, that means, after a few researches, the research time is insanely long
  5. hey, there is one thing i don´t understand. Does the research time of traits depends on the trait power, or is it dependend on how much traits one already researched ? For instance if i ´ve already researched 1 Sword trait in 6 hours, does, the next Sword trait takes automatically 12 hours to research ? Please say it isn´t so. thx
  6. that would be cool, but one can not be sure if he´s already reached the softcap because i believe, that is what has happened.
  7. thanks for the input guys, that helped a lot, i´m not entirely sure what skills i will use. I will add an list of skills, that I most probably play with, a bit later. are there any reliable sources, regarding how much the Attribute points raise the dmg/duration/effectivenes ? Cause i wasn´t able to find one. would be appreciated
  8. Edit : Ive changed my mind and will roll an Redguard NB
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