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  1. Skull dragon the loyal guild is looking for members before launch (we are in betas for anyone that wants to join early) who we are: everything we do is on behalf of the ebonheart pact, justice or the defeat of the daedra. we enjoy ourself and accept anyone with a strong will and recites our oath: we are the blade of the pact, we are the shield of the alliance, we are the heart of our nations, we are the skull dragons... ranks: Skull King Skull Knight Skuller (subject to change) Skull Pawn *we also speak spanish for anyone that cares but to keep things in order the chat language is manly english. that is all, everyone interested leave their user id (@xxxxxxx), their character build (if already planed), and what you think you could offer for our guild or the ebonheart pact in general. Thank you for your attention, Azared the Skull king Blood for the pact!
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