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Everything posted by Pixelstorm

  1. Here is my thoughts abotu nightblade in ESO (PVP) : So your job as assasin is to take out their DPS asap right... Becasue of that you will need a lot of burst and you need to move around battlefield without enemy notising you. Becasuse in ESO you dont have cooldowns and your spells are spamable as long as you have enought mana/stamina. Personally i thinkwhen you need to kill 1 target as nightblade you dont need that much sustain damage and more like burst damage and quick way to get out if in trouble. So here is the thing i came up with: Shadow Skilltree Shadow cloak Veiled Strike Assasination Skilltree Assasins Blade Teleport Strike Mark target Ultimate Death stroke (Assasination Skilltree) SOOOOOOO basically thats how it works: You see a high priority target (Like dps mage) 1) You start by 'Mark Target' That makes your and his attack to ignore 75% of eachother resistanses (That is kinda risky but remember your job is to take them out asap.) 2) You gap-close to them with 'Teleport Strike' If i understand correctly morph on this ability allowss you to deal 30% more damage on your next attack against target and it stuns them (or it only stuns pve targets im not sure ) 3) Then after you attaked them once after 'Teleport Strike' you immediately use 'Shadow Cloak' (this is also a great escape tool if something goes wrong) That is what will make you hard to target and is key ability to your next move whitch is... 4) 'Veiled Strike' When used in stealth this ability will stun the enemy for 4 seconds... That is a lot! And dont forget that if you morph this ability it will also reduse enemy armor too! Awesome! 5) Your target is stuned after 'Veiled strike' so you are free to do normal attacks to them maybe knock them off but for me its good time to use your ultimate in this moment... 'Death Stroke'... This ability deal damage based on your ultimate pool (up to 175%) and reduse healing effect by 75%(?) so ifthe enemy healer notised their dps is dying they will try to heal him up BUT OH SNAP HE WILL RESIVE ONLY 15% OF IT > 6) Finaly your enemy shoud be low enought for you to use 'Assasins Blade'... This ability does up to 300% damage to low health targets and works as an execute if this doesent kill him just finish him off with another 'Shadow Cloack' -> 'Veiled Strike' combo -------------------------------------------------------------- So as you can see this combo require a lot of mana and you dont have any ability that uses stamina on this.. Im not sure will this work becase 1 rotation will require about 235 mana so basically you need to put more than 13 lvlpoints in your manapool and because you dont use any stamina abilityes you wont need stamina that much so i think you need to lvl them like this... 3:2:1 (mp:hp:sp). Health is quite important because othervise you will be squishy and they will just kill you when they find you... So that was my version of the Nightblade assasin. Feel free to correct me if i got something wrong or add your opinion about this
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