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  1. Will activating "Shadow Image" from Shadow tree use 35 magicka twice? It will primary summon a shade (35 magicka), activating it again teleports player to shade, so will this teleport need 35 magicka too?
  2. Well, i just checked again and found the mistake. I was only aware of the bonus you get from the Imperial Edition, not realizing there is the Explorer´s Pack too, which is correct, let you play any race in any alliance. My bad, wasn´t my intention to post bs ^^
  3. What kind of pre-order perk are you talking about? Your socalled "perk" will be, that you can play an Imperial and THEN choose any alliance you want to play for. That doesn´t allow you to play Khajiit race for Ebonheart. Imperials will have different race abilities, not the ones you are aiming at by playing a Khajiit...
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