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Everything posted by Jigglypuff223

  1. does anyone think the bow will be a good match for DK or should we just stick to mele/Magic staffs?
  2. im joining Ebonheart, i love Morrowind too much not to go back there =D and i dont think ill be alone, i bet alot of Morrowind players will pick ebonheart.
  3. Thx Batailleuse for all that info =D looks like ill prolly go DK but not sure on what race i want to be.... orc or redguard >.<
  4. and does anyone no if werewolfs can sneak?. if so nightblade would be really good for them too i think.
  5. Yes i think DK well be a Solid choice,what about Orc as a race 6% heath/stam and 15% heath regen, for wepons i was thinking Bow/Restoration Staff and having Werewolf being the mele,so you can kill at range / heal tank wile you build up to change to to mele damge what about stats max out stam/magic or Stam/heath?
  6. What do you think will be the best race/class for werewolves?,race i think redguard , class im not so sure any ideas?
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