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  1. first at all: dont do that. Its not Dota and neither CS. Its a nice Community. At least I try to imagine that. You really have no clue about my competence in logical thinking. BTT: it is not precisely descriped for 2 reasons. (and that's why i ask. thx again for make me rage with your cocky behavior) 1. There are two different descriptions for the same effect "while 2h is equpped" and "while dualwielding" ( i tried to point that out in my first post) 2. "while 2H is equipped" can also be understood as being equipped as secondary weapon set. (which is not your inventory. its equipped to your character in char screen i guess) ps: i did not ask for armor passives. They are indeed precisely described. There is still no reason to awnser in the way draxinusom did, even im getting this wrong. (english is not my native language) This is a theory crafting forum and i try to figure out mechanics and good synergies. aloha
  2. Hey guys, im pretty confused because some weapon passives (heavyy weapons from 2H tree or sword and board from 1h+shield tree) say that the bonus is applied "while 2H is equipped". Other passives say "while dualwielding" (f.e. slaughter). Is there a difference? Does the heavy weapon bonus of a 2h-sword works while im currently using a bow but having that 2h-sword equipped as 2nd weapon set? I'd love if anybody could test it or give me a solid awnser thx
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