Good morning everyone I have been participating in the last 2 Beta sessions, and there is a "Spell" i do love : Charge. Initially the one i was using was the one in the 2hand weapon tree (Critical Charge). I loved it and found it was doing pretty sustained damage (i was level 15 at that time). I realize now that i'm studing which class to start with when the game will be realeased that there are 3 charge "spells" : - the 2 handed weapon "Critical Charge" that has a 100% crit rate - the 1hand+shield "Shield Charge" that also stun - the Templar Class " Focused Charge" I was wondering which charge was doing the most damage. Here is my analysis : - Critical Charge and Shield charge are both weapon "tree spells", cost stamina, and perform physical damage - Focused Charge is, on the other hand, a class spell, cost magicka, and perform magic damage My guess is that physical damage is increased by weapon power, and thus influenced by the weapon base damage. IE the more powerful my weapon is, the harder the charge will hit. Same thing for weapon power boosts like Momentum or Surge, that will according to be benefit to the physical damages induced by let's say Critical Charge. On the other hand, Focused Charge, that is magic damage based, will not directly benefit from the weapon (melee) power. The only thing that will improve Focused Charge is Spell Power, which mean items or buff that will increase spell power. On that regard, i would anticipate "Critical Charge" to scale up quicker that "Focused Charge" with level rising up. Moreover, i plan to be equipped with Heavy Armor, which i'm not sure i will be able to enchant with any "+++ Spell Power" but i don't know for a fact about it. PVP wise tho, i anticipate many people will be equiped with medium armor or heavy armor, which means heavy physical damage mitigation. That being said, physical damage mitigation will affect physical damage made (for ex with Critical Charge) but will not affect magic based charge like Focused Charge. The only thing that will affect Focused Charge is "Magic Resistance" which at the end is not really spread around. For sure light armors have huge magic resistance. Immobilisation (from Heavy Armor) also grant a nice bonus. but that's it. So my guess at that point is that : - Critical charge will do more damage in absolute as it will scale up quicker with levels (as it's benefiting from increased weapon power) - but taking into account physical and magical resistances in PVP, i anticipate that Focused Charge will do more damage as my guess is that magical resistance will be less that physical damage mitigation. I would love to ear your arguments regarding this analysis. and your thoughts in general. Thanks in advance