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  1. this interests me a lot.. im rolling a nightblade assassin focussing on ranged (bow) at launch and planning on going vamp, cause its cool (lol) and the buffs for assas are good.. I was planning bosmer or khajit, leaning toward khajit originally but after speaking to muscle was going to go bosmer... now im thinking maybe dunmer but that screws with the build a lot..... hmmm... decisions decisions... lol!!!
  2. it all makes no real difference to me, although I do like the idea of it being a mature experience, hopefully without the young and dumb leaving the mic on while they show the world their impressive vocabulary.. in truth though that is always going to be a problem, David is entirely right in saying the kids who can cope probably wont be playing while the ones that cant will become a pita in the alliance/world/group channels until booted.. aside from all that and more importantly is the worrying reports from reviewers saying the game will fail, the PTP being to high and outdated (myself I think its the best way to go and fair if they produce the quality weve come to expect from the franchise) and all the negative publicity, it cant be helping Zenimax or Bethesda's projected sales and with a rumoured $200m investment that has to have some people sweating.. personally I hope and expect it to smash it out the park regardless of the naysayers and esrb ratings Blake.. is your mum my ex wife?
  3. hey guys.. im interested in finding a large guild to join on the European xbox server. im looking specifically for a mature 18+ guild, with a good established structure and strong history of gaming. right now I have no preference on which faction I join so that wont influence my decision at all. any suggestions? Bael
  4. are you guys concentrating solely on pc gaming or will you have a presence on the x-box?
  5. hey.. just thought id stop and say hi.. erm.. because the welcome note said... so.. erm.. hi! lol!! im waiting on the imperial edition hard copy for xbox as I said in the title, planning on playing a bosmer nightblade, concentrating on stealth archery.. not sure whether to go lychanthrope or vamp.. first for stamina buffs or second for stealth and assassination skills.. prolly vamp but I do like the poison resist vs poison weakness crossover between bosmer and lychan.. id love to hear your thoughts on the build and how to bring out the best in the char as ive not been able to get onto the beta to give it a dry run! oh.. and the imperial build will be a Templar/ hunter concentrating on survivability for gathering mats and heavy on the crafting
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