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  1. how does overload's damage scale? with magicka, stamina or your weapons damage ?
  2. it looks good, u got some AoE, some escape and a litle support. i still dont like flawless dawnbreaker x) another thing!? in your 2-hand build you need to max all 3 attributes (magicka, health, staminia) if u want it to be usefull. no health, and u you wont survive, no magicka or no staminia will kill some of your damage output because you mix stamina used and magicka used abilities. i would suggest to try too find some skills which will debuff your opponent (skills you dont need to spam, e.x. reduced damage or slow) at the cost of magicka, so you can put more points in stamina (thats what you use with your bow) or the other way around if u change your bow skills. Thats what i would do, dont know if it would be a better build!
  3. is it a pvp or pve build? if PVP u're shades are useless. you chose to pick a close ranged ulti, i would suggest something like evasion (from medium armors skill line) otherwise it looks fine edit: forgot your 2-hand build ^^ i dont think your ulti is worth it.. 13% bonus damage (passive) with a small bonus damage when used, against soul harvest which got an insane dps thats ofc only my opinon! -still from denmark, still shitty english x)
  4. maybe one of the unknown guilds have bound weapons !
  5. if you open the link, the question ESO was asked was about conjuration, and they answered: "Players will be able to summon weapons". !! but thanks for the fast reply!
  6. hey ppl. just found a semi old thread, were eso comfirmed bound weapons!! https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2374 i would like to hear some ideas for how they would scale their damage.my own guess would be with spell power ofc, but would you be able to grab the abilities from regular weapons? or will there come a new skill set for bound weapons!? PS. im a new user, im from denmark (my english kinda sucks a bit) and i dont know if its to silly to make a thread about bound weapons which we really dont know anything about !!
  7. do you guys think our chars are wiped ?
  8. i have an extra key, just one. if any1 want it (:
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