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  1. Jinks

    17th June

    We're a few months in and ESO is still going strong despite the initial hype we still have loyal members online every day and are still running almost weekly events and impromptu in-game gaming sessions when the need arises! I'd like to announce and welcome into the Aeon Knights our latest recruits in the fight for Cyrodiil Natty, Cleomenes & Mrmonster666 we also still have a core group of dedicated members as well as others from our community who are always happy to join in on events or when the need to slay some dremora becomes an insatiable urge. Our doors are always open to new members especially those not wanting to be tied down to ONE game ONE guild if like soooo many other gamers you play any number of other games to break up the monotony then consider joining our online gaming community today and become part of the Aeon Knights
  2. Jinks

    7th June

    Greetings all so it seems our numbers are ever growing as more and more pledge their swords, staffs and bows to our cause, I'd like to announce to newest recruits into our fold Powerthirst, Volix, Ultra, Castolian & Hunger welcome to the Aeon Knights! Craglorn remains new and not fully explored territory for some and for others the battle rages on still....If you've yet to decided where your loyalties lie and who's banner to hold high as you charge into battle then consider this....Join our online gaming community and represent us who hold our banners high in multiple gaming universes all at once join us and become part of the Aeon Knights
  3. Jinks

    21st May 2014

    The countdown continues...first it was for beta then it was for official release now we await the release of ESO first major update 'Craglorn' whilst there isn't an official launch date yet it's the news that ALL Vet ranks have been waiting for and even those still leveling up to Vet rank 1 will have content to push them right through. So one of the biggest features coming with the update 12 player trials and so being in a guild has even more advantages and even more so than that being part of a community that thrives on social play....So if you'd rather become part of a casual online gaming community where our interest lie with games in general not just one then consider joining the Aeon Knights! Last but not least I'd like to officially welcome to the community our newest ESO players Garymac, Vanaheim & Anthony :-D
  4. Greetings All…My last post was a month ago and since then it’s safe to say that most of us have had our heads buried firmly in ESO lore & content! We’ve since my last post lost a few members and gained a few but now that the 1 month trial is over it was to be expected and so I open up our recruitment threads once more and continue the search for our ever expanding online gaming communities ‘Elder Scrolls Online’ division With that said if you’ve yet to settle on choosing a guild then perhaps a gaming community would suit you more….We currently have 50+ members in ESO and many many more playing other popular MMO games such as SWTOR and we have a Wildstar division up and running with numerous members in anticipation for it’s launch we have members across the board in ALL games what we’re looking for is like minded mature players who love gaming as much as we do to join us in our latest adventures in Tamriel by picking up their Swords, Shields, Warhammers, Two-Handed Axes and Staffs to bring the hurt to all who oppose us or just to be mean either way it’s safe to say that our goals remain the same to experience ESO to the fullest and share that with other members online! So join us today and become a member of our online gaming community Aeon Knights!
  5. Jinks

    6th April Update!

    So unless you've been hiding under a rock or you've been in exile for the last year leading up to this very moment then you'd know that 'Elder Scrolls Online' is here it's live and it's been going for 7,5 or 2 days depending on which pre-order you ended up with! So first thing first the game is great and if your here that means you agree or know someone else that does ;-) So I'll cut to the chase....It's a big game....There's loads of dungeons....You need some friends to watch your back or vice versa....Well consider this why not join our 'Online Gaming Community' and become part of not just a guild but a place where like minded players from all around the EU gather to bring or seek knowledge and band together to show heart, courage and skill in various MMO's and those yet to be released yet.....Aeon Knights not just a guild but a gaming community! It give's me great pleasure to present and announce the latest biggest intake of recruits Shambala, Catnip, Rocc, Neario, Nagorian, Axis. Windermere, Dshamrock, Azlun, Gwenda, Mattyb1, Clytemenstra & last but not least Thrullgar....Welcome all to the Aeon Knights!
  6. Jinks

    Friday 28th News

    Tick Tock the countdowns almost up on the Elder Scrolls clock! Was you one of the few who pre-ordered with 5 days early access well there's less than TWO DAYS till the server doors are opened wide and the first wave of TESO players start pouring in.....If you aren't in the 5 day early access then fear not as a further 2 days after that the 3 day early access will go live for those members and then followed by the official release day for all those with the patience to wait! With the final deadline looming over us if you've yet to find somewhere to lay rest to your two handed greatsword or perhaps imbue your staff with enchantments the likes no one has ever known, you might even need to sharpen your arrow heads into finely tuned long ranged sticks of terror & there's even the thought of just sitting with a good ol sword and scabbard at your waist. .....Well fear not weary traveller for we have a place that provides for all your needs, It's not just a guild but a online gaming community that consist of like minded members who still have dreams and visions of becoming mighty mages, skilled rangers and warriors of legend! If you seek a place like this you too can become part of Aeon Knights
  7. Jinks

    Tuesday 25th News

    The countdown is ON! There are but mere days until some lucky few will enter the world of Tamriel for good....Then 5 days later the population will explode, The floodgates will open and the MMO we've all been not so patiently waiting for will be upon us.... In that time if you've yet to join a guild or not decided where your loyalties lie....Then perhaps the time has come to take a different approach and consider joining our gaming community where you'll find like minded members with varying degrees of experience ranging from the 'Pong Pro Veterans' to the 'It's My First MMO' players all with their own wealth of experience that adds to our community and benefits everyone within it! Now more importantly I’d like to officially announce and Welcome to the Aeon Knights ‘WhiskeyJack, Litotes, Poxil, Bitmapshades, Dagannoth, Wookie & Severum’ our newest recruits….Remember if you haven’t decided on a guild to join then consider joining our gaming community at Aeon Knights!
  8. Jinks

    Friday 14th News

    The day is here....The time draws near...Our fingers are twitching with anticipation! TESO BETA is mere hours away and to top off what is most likely the last #Beta before launch ZOS have brought down the barriers surrounding pre-orders and which pack you chose for ALL player to sample what some luckly few will have from day one! Play as an Imperial sure why not! Play as an Altmer in the Ebonheart Pact...Hey everyone war has it's sides choose your own! With some important business to announce we'd like to welcome Jehanna, Myrnin, Mackem & Chirax into our ranks :-D The #Beta kicks off at 16:00 GMT+0 and we'll be ready for it here at the Aeon Knights!....If you're still on the fence about which guild to join the answer is simple DONT....Join us and your joining a community not just a guild!
  9. Jinks

    Tuesday 11th News

    Good news today for all our TESO fans! We're not only being treated to yet ANOTHER beta....But Zenimax have decided to give us a glimpse into the 'Imperial' pre-order pack! Which means whether or not you pre-order the highest tier or even pre-ordered at all you'll be able to take advantage of being able to play ANY race in any faction....And most exciting of all you'll be able to play the exclusive IMPERIALS race... So with the impending beta weekend....You might want to consider finding somewhere to lay down roots, build foundations, fill it with furniture & then invite fellow guildies round for some ale! Well consider joining us Aeon Knights...not just a guild but a gaming community. Now on to some top news we'd like to officially announce and welcome Izzlyn, Ravrak, Daegon & Yves to the Aeon Knights!
  10. Jinks

    Sat 8th Update

    Here at Aeon Knights we pride ourselves on being a gaming community FIRST!....And a guild second Some might ask what the difference is well as many MMO players will admit they may concentrate on playing one game but what happens to your guild friends when you decide to check our the latest patch in 'SWTOR'....Or when one the hotly anticipated games such as 'Wildstar' is released....Perhaps there's a new game entirely called hmmm 'Starcraft' maybe.... Well within a gaming community it DOESN'T matter we have members cross platforms playing different games or even suggesting new ones each member will have their dedicated game based on their applications and those guild leaders will watch out for them so no one is left out or forgotten. On that note I'd like to give announce our three newest recruits 'Wellpapp' who's already given us a bump *Thumbs Up!* and not forgetting 'Ashtonn' & 'Khael_Dk' ....Welcome to the Aeon Knights!
  11. Jinks

    Thursday 6th News

    Less then 1 month to go till TESO D-Day and we're all anxiously waiting with the recent lift on NDA there's still much to discuss, new ideas to put forth and opinions to be made! There's also a VERY real possibility that we'll be treated to another beta or two and by the nine would that be GREAT! Since the last beta we've had two more join our ranks and so I'd like to officially welcome to the Aeon Knights 'Kronotrope & Tremayne' .....It's not too late to lay down roots, start a foundation! If you've yet to decide on which guild to join...Then don't....Join us in our gaming community where like minded players from all over gather around a common interests!
  12. In case you haven't heard today is the start of yet ANOTHER beta weekend! Zenimax are spoiling us with another event making it the 2nd within a month and we at Aeon Knights fully intend to take advantage of it by testing and exploring events and instances that will shape our time in-game... More importantly I'd like to officially announce and Welcome to the Aeon Knights 'Helchgam' our newest recruit....Remember if you haven't decided on a guild to join then consider joining our gaming community at Aeon Knights!
  13. Jinks

    Hi All

    Just a quick intro.... I'm Jinks, Long time fan of 'The Elder Scrolls' series like many of you I'm sure. I'm a little late to the Elder Souls site but better late then never I guess. I'm from London, UK I've been playing MMO's since 'City of Heroes' R.I.P and I've been hooked ever since having sampled pretty much every MMO since then I've even taken to becoming a HUGE advocate of 'Kickstarter' where not only did I find a planned sequel to my MMO training game CoH but a number of others I'd never have thought to try then of course I heard about TESO and the focus lenses came on and haven't come off....I'm part of an online gaming community called 'Aeon Knights' I've recently been assigned Leader of our TESO guild faction and I'm proud to be able to use that to push my MMO experiences even further....See you all in-game!!!
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