Hmm This seems to be the place to post about templar builds I did not get far enough in beta to really test out this build so far its mostly an idea. I really like the whole concept of I can heal you, but I am by no means a pacifist! I wanted a templar that has a big 2handed weapon and is quite skilled in the noble arts of Mace to face combat! I tested this early and I found a coalation between amounts of mace hits to enemy face is proportional to me not loosing. but I wanted to be able to do most dungeouns and stuff as a healer Sorta like a very melitant healer where i got my idea: Stats wise I was thinking of going 2magicka 2 health 1 Stamina seeing magica abilities does the most damage and 1 in stamina should be enough to use a few melee abilties every now and then The idea would be this guy would not have tons of damage but very hard to kill I geuss. I was thinking of going altmer or breton because they seem to be good with magica and spells. I have one requirement for races though: appearencewise they must be able to be 100% bald and have a beard. Like a true fanatic 1 weapon would be 2hand second would be resto staff I think, did not make it to lvl 15 so I don't know how that works. Thinking of going light armor aswell thats one of the reasons for 2 in health, also I should be able to heal myself most of the time anyway? can anyone explain the extra weapon mechanic how it works in the game? Thanks in advance and sorry for bad english