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  1. I have a question: In cyrodiil at armor vendor there are two choices with equal prices. the one is called small piece the other is large piece of armor. what does that mean? i was thinking that larger pieces could be chests and pants, but they are not, because i bought large piece of armor and got a helmet. please explain this.
  2. would i have enough skills points to max my armor skill tree 2 of my class skill trees and one weapon skill tree and 2 professions skill trees
  3. My advice for your future character build is to decide what type of warrior do you want to be, because you can't be good in everything. Every build have it's ups and downs. Do you like to kill many targets at the same time or you prefer to focus all your power to one target at a time. Do you want to be tough or you prefer to be more squishy, but with high attack power. If you want to be tough, what kind of toughness do you want - more HP or to be able to heal your self during the fight. If you choose to focus on damage output what type of damage do you want to do - with your weapons skills or with your class skills, because the first use stamina while the others use your magicka. It is stupid to follow a build of someone else. Be creative and make your own build which is relatively unique and suits you the best. There is no BEST build. You can't be Rambo. The game is supposed to give equal chances to every player, so don't expect to be god like.
  4. I dont like large scale battles and my PC dont like them too lol it runs in 2fps while im in a huge crowd so i like more solo or small group pvp. max 5 people but prefer duo i would love to find friends to play with when the game is released. skillful and hard core lovers. no kids and regular fighters just the best of the best. lets form a small squad of elite killing machines.
  5. That what I want is more mobs in Cyrodill and so people can hanging around the vast terrain and players like who like solo pvp can have a solid prey too. Because right now the pvp is focused only on capturing the Keeps which is dump. Real world pvp is a place where you dont know who is behind the corner right now the battle area cyrodill is relatively safe place while you know that people are met only around keeps. Yes there are small villages with quests but almost no one goes there because they get way more experience doing stupid brainless capturing of the keeps where the IQ of the crowd is equal to its stupidiest member and your win chance is based 99% of the number or your zerg. this isnt pvp this is just a spaming skill place. that was the biggest mistake that gw2 made and ESO seems to repeat it terrible. runing from one keep to another recapture and so on its the most boring thing ever and in short time the game will become boring as hell. they really have to make more content for lone pvp. so when i ask about more mobs in cyrodill dont give me your shits with caves and mini dungeons which are empty pve space. i want some action i want to be stressed i want to know that there is may be someone who can kill me and not just hypothetical but a real threat.
  6. What is the idea of filling up the soul gems? Why we do that?
  7. Is there any other way to receive a soul gem except the NPC vendor? How many skill lines are we able to max until lvl 50? I mean in common case, which means that not all sky shards are discovered.
  8. Does anyone knows if they are planing to add more monsters on the map, because now it is pretty wilderness place?
  9. i have no idea but either way i am planing to create a new character. if we consider the fact that they told that expecting us to reach lvl 50 this could mean that they will not delete the characters from last beta so people can reach 50 faster
  10. i have an access its was my fault i log in into my game accout and i there is label which says that i have beta access without get any invation im so happy ))))))))))))))))) hey guys there is another thing i want to say i am looking for a partner this time. lets make a duo with some hard core player. i can play 8 hours non stop for the first day on the second im at work but after that i can play again almost non stop im hard core player and i love pvp so i will spend my time mostly there with scouting if there is some1 who is interested we can form a group would be nice and quite faster to progress
  11. No invitation to me this time (((((((
  12. During last beta I couldn't log-in my character for hours. Lastly I decide to create another (new) character, because my other was in Cyrodill. The experiment worked. I logged in immediately. So I made the following conclusion, that when the Cyrodill is full and your character is there you can't log in. This fact is really disturbing. Do they say something about that? I mean at least they could teleport your character to a non PVP area where you can play with it.
  13. Hey, guys I'm wondering how do you level up a skill? As far as I know you have got to slot it in yur Hotbar, but that's what I am curious about is do you level up faster when you slot more skills from the same class tree line (for exaplme Dragonsknight's "Ardent flame")? Also do а skill from your hotbar, that you use more frequently, level up faster than a skill used seldomer in the same hotbar? And lastly, do a class tree line develope faster, if I learned more skills from it? For example, if I have 1 active and 3 passive skills from a specific tree line, and 1 active skill from another will be there any difference in leveling speed of both lines?
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