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  1. Does copy-pasting to MS Paint count? =P EDIT: Also, Jar Jar Binks? I mean, even if you'd like to see all Khajiits and Argonians disassembled, tanned, and remade into chic, expensive clothing and accessories, Jar Jar is kinda harsh...
  2. The CC break uses half your total (full bar) stamina. No matter how much stamina your character has at full bar, the break uses half that amount. This means that, unless you were topped off (And you weren't. You had been sprinting, crouching, done a roll dodge, SOMETHING that used stamina. It's almost unavoidable in combat unless you're doing it very wrong.) you can break CC once and not immediately break it again. If you were close to full (or hypothetically full), you can break it again shortly thereafter, but now your bar is almost empty. This means no sprinting, no roll dodging, no crouching, no weapon based abilities (and with things like sparks and various snares/stuns weapon abilities can be very useful in staying alive)... In short, breaking CC is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are absolutely times it would be preferable to ride out the CC. Remember, odds are that the CC you're breaking is far more spammable than your CC break. So, no, CC is not rendered useless.
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