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Toasty Poptart

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nemesis-inc united we play is now recruiting for out TESO guild It has a one of a kind in depth rank system aswell as channels for our mature pvpers, pve, and roleplayers. We are a 5 year multi gaming community thats is looking for 18+ guildmates to help be the best in the lands of tamerial. We will be actively seiging keeps, running dungeons and crafting for all our friends. If you here looking for a guild stop by our 500 slot teamspeak server and say hello and request a bit of information from myself or another admin. nemesis-inc.net is a huge community with 962 registered members and hosting several gaming servers and our own clothing line. Please join us and hangout with us awesome bunch. We are so organized it will blow you away our TS setup is amazing. Now join our guild and fight your way to victory! TS Ip :
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