Ultimate: OverloadCast Time: Instant / SelfCost: 125 UltimateWhile toggled...Light and heavy attacks are replaced with empowered versions that cost ultimate.MorphsEnergy Overload: Light and heavy attacks have increased damage and restore magicka.Power Overload: Increases range and radius of heavy attacks. Actives: Poison ArrowCast Time: InstantRange: 28mCost: 32 StaminaDeals 5 poison damage.Target takes (?) poison damage over 10 seconds.MorphsPoison Injection: +35% damage over time against low-health targets. SurgeCast Time: Instant / SelfCost: 70 MagickaFor 17 seconds...+3 weapon damage.MorphsCritical Surge: Critical strikes heal player for 50% of damage dealt. Bound ArmorCast Time: Instant / SelfCost: 70 MagickaWhile toggled...+11 Armor.-10% maximum magicka.MorphsBound Armaments: Bonus to heavy attack damage. Starts at +8% and increases Mages FuryCast Time: InstantRange: 28mCost: 32 MagickaDeals 7 shock damage.Explodes for 27 shock damage if target falls below 20% health within 4 seconds.MorphsMage's Wrath: Explosion deals more damage. Daedric CurseCast Time: InstantRange: 28mRadius: 5mCost: 39 MagickaTarget cursed for 6 seconds.Nearby enemies take 22 magic damage when effect ends.Nearby enemies take 11 magic damage.Only 1 curse active at once.MorphsVelocious Curse: Timer shortened to 3.5 seconds. Passsives (unsure of how many i have to choose from, here are some honorable mentions): Exploitation 0/2+7% critical strike chance when attacking targets affected by dark magic. Unholy Knowledge 0/2-3% magicka and stamina cost for abilities. Accuracy 0/2+3% critical strike. While a bow is equipped... Hawk Eye 0/2+8% bow attack damage. When striking vulnerable targets... Prodigy 0 / 25% critical chance for spells. With 5+ pieces of Light Armor... Dexterity 0 / 3+1% critical strike chance for physical attacks per piece of equipped Meduim Armor. The idea behind this build is to have heavy crit/attack damage bonus, while still utilizing the sorc's heavy magic damage. Also, while surge active, my crits will heal me for 50% of damage dealt, which is HUGE So far i have a lot of ramp up to heavy attacks and attacks in general, so that the bow attacks do massive damage. opener: stealth - surge/bound armor - Heavy attack While solo questing i would probably exchance curse for a pet. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK?