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Abardomas last won the day on May 24 2016

Abardomas had the most liked content!

About Abardomas

  • Birthday February 19

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  • Interests
    Call Of Duty Black Opps
    World Of Warcraft
    Elder Scrolls Online

Abardomas's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Before venturing into Tamriel you will need to make many important choices. At the top of the list is character choice, which of the 10 unique races you will choose? Each of the ESO races has their own special passive abilities, unique appearance, personality, etc. Every race receives the same number of possible racial passives, the first of which is given to every new character for free. This first ability is a 15% bonus to experience gained while leveling a specific weapon or armor skill line. This ability is in-line with the lore and background of the race and it’s cultural preferences. Detailed Background, History and Skills For Each of The 10 ESO Races
  2. I'm rethinking a lot of stuff now with these changes!
  3. Don't forget to stream and share your content from this weekend!

  4. You can send an invite to a friend (and get a pet monkey) this weekend
  5. I'm really hoping so! 3000 yrs old! Hopefully it WILL be at launch
  6. The only thing that sucks right now is having to wait for the launch!

  7. I think it's great to have the option of choosing any alliance regardless of race. It allows for many more interesting combinations, and a three faction PvP will make the game far more fun.
  8. ESO Sorcerer Lightening Skill
  9. Abardomas

    Eso Art

    Elder Scrolls Online Fan Art
  10. ESO sorcerer spell
  11. Elder Scrolls Online Sorcerer Skill
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