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Everything posted by Nosferu

  1. Hello all! I'm very new to this and I'm trying to piece together a build that I can use for group PVE content, as well as pvp. I guess I would call this a Bruiser build. This build is based heavily on the choices others have made in this thread (particularly TheoryExpert), but with my own tweaks. Please pick it apart and let me know where improvements can be made. Right now the most challenging aspect is balancing Stamina use with Magicka use, I'm not convinced I did a very good job. I really liked the idea behind TheoryExpert's build on the previous page, but it looked really heavily Magicka based so I wasn't sure how it would hold up in actual use. I'm also completely clueless on which passives to go for and how to build my stats, so advice is appreciated. Dragon Knight Armor: Heavy Weapon(s): Sword/ Shield and 2 Hand Skill Slot 1: Sword and Board ULT Magma Armor (Corrosive Morph) Fiery Grip (Empowering Morph) Fiery Breath (Snare Morph) Ash Cloud Puncture (-spell resist morph) Power Bash (dmg and duration morph) Skill Slot 2: 2 Hand ULT Standard (might morph) Immovable (duration morph) Critical Charge (immobilization morph) Uppercut (Extra Damage morph) Lava Whip Dragon Blood (Stam Regen morph) Primary Goal and Play-style: Slot 1 is aimed at controlling the field of battle in group encounters and group pvp; get them in close, slow them with Breath, debuff with Ash Cloud, keep them in with Bash, etc. Slot one would also be the load out of choice when dealing with melee focused combatants, due to the shield and damage mitigation. Slot 2 is focused on pummeling casters and stopping runners. Basically Slot 2 is the answer for situations when keeping enemies in ash cloud is unfeasible, or for when a little extra oomph is required. Slot 2 has CC resist, immobilizers, gap closers, and knockdowns; this slot can also synergize with puncture and fiery grip from Slot 1.
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