I have been playing around with a melee sorcerer build since the last beta. This is my build so far, please let me know any critiques. Race Khajiit, for increased critical damage and melee critical chance Armor: 5 Medium / 2 Heavy Weapon 1: Two hand I. Critical Charge- Always hits with critical damage, combined with surge provides a self heal II. Momentum - Damage III. Lightning Form- Increased armor & resistance IV. Encase- CC + Exploitation (increased Crit chance) V. Bound Armor- Armor plus increased heavy damage with morph Ult: Storm Atronach Weapon 2: Bow I. Surge- Increased damage + critical hits provide health II. Snipe- High damage + reduces targets healing with morph III. Immovable- Increased armor & resistance IV. Mages Fury - Final death blow V. Bound Armor- same as first bar Ult: Negate Magic The idea is to have either Immovable or Lightning Form up