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Everything posted by Grim

  1. Hi, I would like your input in my DK PvP build! I am going for a tanky sneaky 2H DD with 5 MA and 2 HA pieces that balance mana and stamina use. http://eso.massyx.de/1jGFaS2 I read that its a bad idea to mix spell dps with melee/bow dps. Won't this work well? Should I redo it from scratch or is there some changes I can make? Is this build PvP viable? Im not that good at number crunching, but here are some of the resource consumtion. I am aiming for enough resources so I can refresh all buffs and DoTs. I haven't calculated with any passive that may reduce cost. MANA+ Fiery Breath 10 sec / 35 mp = 3.5 mp/s+ Dragon Blood 20 sec / 60 mp = 3 mp/s+ Spiked Armor 17 sec / 42 mp = 2.47 mp/s+ Molten Weapons 45 sec / 35 mp = 0.77 mp/s+ Weakness to elements 15 sec / 35 mp = 2.33 mp/s-+ Inferno = 7 mp/s------------------------------------------------------------= 12,07 - 19,07 mp/s STA+ Evasion 17 sec / 56 sta = 3.3 sta/s+ Immovable 10 sec / 56 sta = 5.6 sta/s+ Momentum 20 sec / 46 sta = 2.3 sta/s+ Critical Charge ~10 sec / 46 sta = 4.6 sta/s (a rough guess that I will use the ability every 10 sec)-------------------------------------------------------------= 15,8 sta/s
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