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  1. Okay, thx for the info about racial ults, didn't know ! I know medium armors are made to DPS > Tankyness, but I will wear heavy About the racial passives, indeed Sprint seems great, but the overflowing stamina from RG's passives is appealing ! Still can't decide But indeed, since I don't like doing things half good I guess i'll orc, for the hp and sprint. RG must be really overpowered in medium armor ! Infinite stamina
  2. Hi guys As everyone else I'm working on my future build. Here's the idea : I want a "fury warrior" archetype (for any WoW player), an offtank wearing heavy armor and furiously dual wielding. I was charmed by the DK and didn't want to play as a nightblade. I have a pretty good idea how to build him/her during the leveling, but there's still a point I can't figure out : orc or redguard ? I'm aware that redguards seem to be the best physical damage dealers and that orcs appear to tank a little better, but after overthinking it I couldn't reach a conclusion. And there I am, asking your opinion. Appart from what race is better for my gameplay, I'm questionning the difference between orc's and redguard's ultimate : Orc : Increase damage done by 20% and reduce damage taken by 10% RG : Increase power by 20% for 15 sec I understand orc's ult pretty fine, but what is power ?
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