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Everything posted by Onyxius

  1. am i the only one seeing this issue?
  2. is it just me or is all the html code showing the tags and not actually working?
  3. I'm going to try this out this weekend, but what is entropy I'm not finding it anywhere. Update - Nevermind, its under the mages guild.
  4. Hello Everyone, I have been looking for a good site to discuss builds and see what others thought as well. This last beta weekend I actually grouped up with a tank mage which was pretty dang good, and a nightblade healer. I'm new to TESO and didn’t really play much Skyrim so this is all new to me. I'm thinking about solo leveling a nightblade with some points in self-heal in hopes to sufficiently dish out enough damage. I soloed a Templar healer which didn’t end that well due to my ignorance in distributing points through 3 trees instead of focusing on 1 maybe 2. So for the quest where you have to kill the huge skeleton boss guy while he walks back and forth healing himself in the lava, that took me 45 min to solo only to find out I COULD BE IN A DANG PARTY lol so yea i felt pretty dumb after that. I got to play around with the nightblade a little but not much and enjoyed it. So my plan is to solo a nightblade and play as a healing Templar with a friend on the side. I'm on the hunt for some good discussions: D thank you for letting me type all of this out and look forward to some more discussions.
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