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  1. #1http://esohead.com/calculator/skills#zzMzbOx8bPr8aNY8aGC8bBg8aLG8T7JLRMA6MrqAI6MrqAD6crqLw8y7HLR3a6LR3r6LR3f6MfQE16MfQE36MfQlr6MfQlu6MfQlI8l7DzzoC6rzky6Lzkg6MuvVB6MuvVD6MuvVO8B7JrzRf6Lzsa6zzsq6Lzsb6rzsw6MGkXf8zV7pceCGC6ceCAq6zeCp46ceCxV#2http://esohead.com/calculator/skills#zzMzbOx8aAZ8bJj8aGC8bBg8aLG8T7JLRMA6MrqAI6MrqAD6crqLw8y7HLR3a6LR3r6LR3f6MfQE16MfQE36MfQlr6MfQlu6MfQlI8l7DrzoC6rzky6Lzkg6MuvVB6MuvVD6MuvVO8B7JrzRf6Lzsa6zzsq6Lzsb6rzsw6MGkXf8zV7pceCGC6ceCAq6zeCp46ceCxV #1 seems more fun to me. Which is better at your choice?
  2. can i swith to the same weapon but another 5 abilities?
  3. Guys, hello! I am completely disapponted with critical hits in ESO. Asking for your help! 1) What's the difference between weapon critical and critical strike chance? Does the critical strike chance apply to magic critical too? 2) Am i right that weapon critical is responsible for weapon dmg (ordinare hit dmg) and also for physical dmg abilities like snipe, scatter shot? 3) Which of two criticals (magic and weapon) apply to poison damage abilities (like 1st skill in bow tree)? 4) Is it reasonable to max weapon critical (physical critical) for using physical damaging abilities and at the same time to have powerfull ordinary hit damage? I am going to play an archer, using magic abilities as buffs (blur, haste, mark in assassination tree) and having all damaging and controling abilities with physical damage (like snipe, scatter shot). P.S. Stupid question, but important for me: wil my physical damaging abilities increase with my stamina rising?
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