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Everything posted by Seraiel

  1. You'll be joining the Mages Guild on lvl 2 directly if you collected enough Books before joining, so you get credit for them, whether or not you are in the Guild, once you join the Guild.
  2. Breton Templar (Heal / DPS) with Resto (Mainhand) and Destru (Off-hand) . Not completely sure about the armor yet, being a healer and having awesome Mana-Management via the GTAoE-Healing-Skill from the Resto-Staff, I could go full heavy armor without missing too much. DPS however is out of the question then, so I'll probably have 2 sets of Armors. Daggerfall, 34y, Europe (Germany) .
  3. You get 1 Skillpoint for each level, 1 Skillpoint for various (zone-type of) quests, 1 Skillpoint for every group, sometimes even for single-dungeons, 1 skillpoint for the extra-bosses that can be summoned via special ways in the same, named dungeons, 1/3 skillpoint for each skyshard, then comes Cyrodil with tons of skyshards, then come the VR-levels... So I cannot give you a definite answer, but it's safe to assume that a lvl 50 Char will have the 120 skillpoints that I used in the build.
  4. I worked on my DPS / Backup-Healer Templar Build: http://esohead.com/calculator/skills#zozX5oN7XMbMUf6MbMXv6MbMXO6MbMX28L7XcdoQr6MdoQC6MdoQF6MdoQJ6MdoQK8j7XrSZ6rU06rUM6LUR6MrJO16MrJPr6MrJPh6MrJPu8n7XLWQ6LWU6zW36MfwgO6MfwgU6Mfwg26Mfwe08e7XLaqq6Mi4bD6Mi4bU6Mi4bX6Mi4b16Mi4b48v7XMhx0n6Mhx0y6Mhx0l6Mhx0B8O7XrdeC6zAZqS6MA3FN6MA3FL6MA4Cb8P7XzLp4d8U7XLrWv6LrWE6MTkTV6MTkTs6MTkTq8Y7XzjFYb6zjFYd6zjFYf6MjFYi6MjFYh837XLw316Lw338zc7XcgePB6zgeXm6cgeXA6cgeYc8za7XLGF46MlNrt6MlNrE6MlNrB8zf7XMDVRE6MDVRC6MDVRH In case of interest.
  5. I think you got a wrong information there. Imperials can be played in any faction, but not the normal Races.
  6. I won't say that Daggerfall will be the strongest Realm, but the best players will play there. Question is, do you want to play with the ones having the largest numbers, or with the ones slaying the largest numbers? ^^
  7. Hi I've been a long time healer / supporter player over the last 10y and am still quite new to TESO, but played the last BETAs and currently plan the setup with which my group will be running in PvP: What I'm currently thinking, is: 1. Templar (Healer) 2. Templar (DPS / Backup Heal) 3. Dragonknight (CC + DPS, probably with Fire-Destro-Staff and Bow for more Range-AoE-DPS, alternative would be another DPS-Templar) 4. Mage (DPS + CC) in order to run a sort of "Caster-group" or "bomber-group" , as I assume that the time for the (probably stronger in x vs x) melee-groups is still far ahead. In the following I'll write down the build I have in mind for the "offensive" DPS / Backup-Healer Templar. Any comments on the setup posted above, aswell as the following build are highly appreciated, so tia: 1. Bar (Destruction-Staff for less Mana Problems, preferably Shock-Staff for more AoE) Sun-Fire / Deflective Light (Range-AoE) Solar-Flare (not sure whether to specialize it to Healdebuff or AoE Damage, would like AoE more but Healdebuff is a must so then would need to come from someone else in the Group, maybe DK-Ultimate) Backslash (trying to understand that skill right, it's casted on a target, stores the dmg and then sort of "explodes" after 6s, right? ) Weakness to Elements Blinding Light Ultimate: Warhorn 2. Bar (Resto-Staff) Rushed Ceremony / Breath of Life Purge Rapid Maneuver Immovable Rune Focus Ultimate: Nova ------------------ Questions i. e. would be, if someone already has experience with playing a (DPS) Caster-Templar and knows, if it's even possible from a mana-point of perspective. Seraiel
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