Hi I've been a long time healer / supporter player over the last 10y and am still quite new to TESO, but played the last BETAs and currently plan the setup with which my group will be running in PvP: What I'm currently thinking, is: 1. Templar (Healer) 2. Templar (DPS / Backup Heal) 3. Dragonknight (CC + DPS, probably with Fire-Destro-Staff and Bow for more Range-AoE-DPS, alternative would be another DPS-Templar) 4. Mage (DPS + CC) in order to run a sort of "Caster-group" or "bomber-group" , as I assume that the time for the (probably stronger in x vs x) melee-groups is still far ahead. In the following I'll write down the build I have in mind for the "offensive" DPS / Backup-Healer Templar. Any comments on the setup posted above, aswell as the following build are highly appreciated, so tia: 1. Bar (Destruction-Staff for less Mana Problems, preferably Shock-Staff for more AoE) Sun-Fire / Deflective Light (Range-AoE) Solar-Flare (not sure whether to specialize it to Healdebuff or AoE Damage, would like AoE more but Healdebuff is a must so then would need to come from someone else in the Group, maybe DK-Ultimate) Backslash (trying to understand that skill right, it's casted on a target, stores the dmg and then sort of "explodes" after 6s, right? ) Weakness to Elements Blinding Light Ultimate: Warhorn 2. Bar (Resto-Staff) Rushed Ceremony / Breath of Life Purge Rapid Maneuver Immovable Rune Focus Ultimate: Nova ------------------ Questions i. e. would be, if someone already has experience with playing a (DPS) Caster-Templar and knows, if it's even possible from a mana-point of perspective. Seraiel