The name's Textryanna, but most people call me Text or Tex. I've been on RuneScape since I was a wee Junior High student. Now I'm off to college for lord only knows how long it'll take to get my degree. College is expensive, and I'd rather not have an 80k student loan to pay off when I graduate. I'm going for software engineering, and minoring in Chinese. As you can probably see, I am not actually a member of the clan. I am withholding my application until I've poked around a bit, see who's who and what's what; that old chestnut. I'm mostly trying to see if there anyone out there who is interested is being a sort of bodyguard for my Wilderness exploits. You see, I enjoy killing green dragons but there are too many people who like to think I'm a bot because of it. I'm not in it for the bones or the hides - I just want to collect charms and get the ranged xp (I use my multicanon). More often than not, I leave the hides, bones, gems, etc scattered around the dragon pit for anyone to take. So, if you're interested in collecting dragon loot send a message my way. I do like to go to the multi-combat dragon pit, so there will have to be at least three of you. But off the topic of RuneScape, my other interests include Pokemon (competitive battling and RNG breeding), Halo, various TV series (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic & Danny Phantom, for examples), video games in general, traveling (I've been to almost half the US, and parts of England), winter, computers, and graphic novels. Soyeah. I'm just going to go poke around the forums, play a bit of RS, whatever. Feel free to message me in-game or here on the forums for a friendly conversation if you wish.