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Everything posted by Stush

  1. I regret I never tried this in the beta as it seems counter-intuitive; however, I have now read a couple of sources that claim this is possible. Has anyone confirmed this is true or not? Examples to clarify: You are wearing 7 light armor but slot the heavy armor active. You are wielding a bow but are still able to slot skills from resto staff. The above assumes you have trained said skills. Thanks
  2. A lot of my friends say they are playing ESO until EQ Next comes out.
  3. Since there is no central auction house (or equivalent) and you can join up to 5 guilds, is it safe to say that some guilds will form solely for using their guild store as a "mini" auction house? So that raises a few questions: 1. Where is the best place to seek out such guilds? Cities? 2. What is the proper etiquette for asking to join? Spamming /zone with "want to join a store guild" just doesn't seem right. 3. Is it possible to get ripped off as a member? (I'm not familiar with the guild-master mechanic) On a related note, are there already any places like EQ's EC Tunnel? For those who haven't played classic EQ, there was a place called the EC Tunnel where you could go to buy or sell non-commodity items (as well as socialize). It was interesting as there was no centralized buying/selling feature, so the community seemed to create their own including their own conventions (e.g. WTB/WTS). Aside, in every guild I've been in, members simply gave their stuff away to other members. I can't image that won't still be the case for player's first and second guilds. But for the other guild slots, I think "store" guilds, crafting guilds, quest guilds, and probably guild flavors I can't think of will pop up. It could potentially be interesting. Are there other types already popping up? Thanks! Stush
  4. The general consensus on this other forum http://tamrielfoundry.com/forum/classes/sorcerer-class/ is that for a sorcerer, the best attribute distribution is: 0 Magicka 49 health 0 stamina In this forum, that doesn't seem to be the prevailing consensus. I'm wondering if anyone has a counter-argument to 0 Magicka/49 health? From reading through the posts and replies, there seems to be two reasons mentioned (summarizing): (1) It's easy to hit the magicka soft cap via many means, so might as well spend the attribute points on health. (2) it's overall more effective to raise magicka via enchants and health via attribute increases than the other way around. Now granted since you always can respec, I guess it isn't too important to allocate your points optimally the first time. And what is optimal could of course change through any patch that tweaks caps or costs. Hence, I also want to pose the following the question to this forum. Given that one can always respec at level 50 when (presumably) the mechanics will be stable and well understood, what would be the best allocation of attributes points at game launch levels 1-49? While I like the idea of high health, I worry that without a constant investment in gear to stay at near the magicka soft cap, spell effectiveness and "mana" pool size would suffer too much.
  5. So I'm confused about passive skills like Slaughter: While dual wielding: increases damage 10% vs. targets under 25% health. I understand you would need to have two weapons equip'ed to get the bonus, but does it apply to: 1. Only light/heavy DW attacks?2. Light/heavy DW attacks + DW actives (like twin slashes and whirlwind)?3. Any damaging attack including things like class skills? The answer would seem to make a huge difference on how powerful passive skills like Slaughter are.
  6. So by my math, Strife has the best damage/magicka ratio of all instant DD class skills. On top of that, it proc's a HOT. So am I crazy? My plans are to roll a magicka heavy Nightblade built around the concept of spamming Strife. I'm still working out the build details, but imagine a build optimized around magicka pool size/regen that spams Strife. I'd fall back on bow/DW when magicka is depleted and use stealth mainly for escaping/avoidance. Note: that I mainly like the non-combat features of MMORPG's, so for combat I'm mainly looking for a build with simple, effective tactics. Thanks and cheers
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