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Everything posted by Brendalyn

  1. I bought the digital Imperial edition so I could be a mysterious foreigner with suspicious intentions. Mostly it's for role-play. I might not decide to play that way, but I want to be able to do it.
  2. I'll focus on stealth first, and killing whatever I can kill at low level. I'm also working on my character's role playing. Here's what I have so far... I am Madari, a female Khajiit of the Nightblade class, born under the sign of the Lady during the dark of both moons. I use a bow as my primary weapon, but will train later with dual wielded daggers, if I can find any worth wielding. I prefer medium armor of the highest quality to keep my fur from getting ruffled during fights. I mostly hunt solo, trying to find a way to kill monsters by myself. There are rumors that I belong to the Dark Brotherhood, but I assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. If someday there is a rumor that I also belong to the Thieves' Guild, then that one will be false, too. My name is a Khajiit name. It means "clever child," in your tongue. My parents were part of a Khajiit trade caravan that regularly traded between Hammerfell and Elsweyr. One one of its travels, we were attacked by bandits, and my parents were killed. One of the bandits, a Khajiit, hid me from the others. He returned for me later and carried me back to where he was living with friends of his, and from them I learned much that I would need to know to survive and prosper. [i have a handy lie about my upbringing, in case anybody gets too nosy about my affiliations. Khajiit pull your leg, ho ho.] Where did I grow up? Why, I was a sybil of Dibella in Stros M'Kai. I didn't like the kinds of things they would make me do in the temple. You know how boring it can be when you spend all day on your knees—praying and such. Anyway, I didn't like it there, so I left. [Addition to lie.] Well, actually I did not leave voluntarily. The priestesses there thought that it was inappropriate for a sybil to have sharp teeth and claws such as I have. There were some... incidents. To make a long story short, they kicked me out. [To answer suggestive speculation.] Did anybody ever tell you that you have a dirty mind? No, I was talking about claw marks accidentally left on the furniture. I was a young Khajiit back then, and I did not know any better. I also tried to cover up a mess on the carpet, and once I mistook the baptismal pool for a bath and left the water soapy. With the high priestess's favorite charmed necklace at the bottom of the water. Each of my mistakes, innocent though it was, annoyed the Dibellans, and eventually they lost patience with me and decided that I wasn't their sybil after all.
  3. I wrote the ESO people asking them to open the character generator so we could spend lots of our time perfecting our characters' look and skill sets, so we'll be all ready to go on Release Day.
  4. Check the Khajiit racial skills again. I read somewhere that Khajiit get robust (strength regenerates faster in combat) while Bosmer get Vigor (stamina regenerates faster in combat).
  5. Check the Khajiit race bonuses again. I've heard that Bosmer get Vigor while Khajiit get Robust.
  6. It would not work because of different numbers of chromosomes. Also because argonian females are so dumb that they will try to sell kisses for gold and then wonder why they are always poor.
  7. No Temple of Dibella in ESO, huh? "I wonder what sort of things they've got the Dibella doing, over in the temple... Mostly praying, I reckon." Hahahaha. He doesn't even know there's a little girl in there.
  8. I have an extra Beta key, too. When I got my first one, I said to myself "Wow, playing Beta will be fun." So I bought the Digital Imperial Edition of ESO and started downloading it. And downloading it. And downloading it. Then I got my calculator out and figured that it would take so long to finish downloading it that the Beta test would be over first. So I wrote to ESO and told them that I couldn't be in the Beta test because it was taking me too long to download the software. Evidently, they misunderstood and thought that I was complaining about an invalid Beta key, and so they sent me another one. Which, of course, won't help me at all.
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