[*]Race: My friends are playing in the Ebonheart Pact. But I will most likely buy the pre-order version and roll Kajiit for their racial passives: med. armor XP bonus, health regen in battle, and crit bonuses. Then with the pre-order perk I will move my Kajiit to fight for Ebonheart.
[*]Primary Weapon: Duel Wield- daggers for speed -or- axe/dagger for bleed DoT and speed
[*]Secondary Weapon: Bow- sneak power shots, poisoning, and siphoning.
[*]Armor: 5 med. / 2 light- for the stealth, dexterity, and of course, the 5% passive Agility attack speed bonus- with some help with magic regen.
[*]Resource Ratio: possibly 25%health, 35%stamina, 40%magicka
[*]Skill Bar: Duel Wield: melee
[*]Assassin’s Blade- for big damage when the enemy is low on health.
[*]Haste- for bonus attack speed.
[*]Blur- for incoming damage mitigation.
[*]Teleport Strike- as a melee opener. The plan is to ambush them from range with my Bow, then teleport to them, stun them, and then start stabbing.
[*]Shadow Cloak- for, well, invisibility.
[*]Death Stroke- to hit them hard with a full Ultimate pool. I may use this right after Teleport Strike if my Ultimate is high enough. Other than Shadow Cloak this gives me 5 slots using the Assassination Skill Line. With the passive abilities, Pressure Points and Hemorage, that will add an extra 5%crit rating and 25%crit bonus damage respectively. Bow: range
[*]Snipe- for a heavy ranged opener. The idea is to use this from the shadows as an element of surprise.
[*]Poison Arrow- range interrupt.
[*]Strife- for the healing from life leach.
[*]Siphoning Strikes- for the resource regeneration.
[*]Shadow Cloak- for the invisibility.
[*]Soul Shred- for the AoE stun and the damage -or- Eye for Fear (Kajiit racial)- for the crowd control (if racials are allowed) If I feel I may need more CC for my primary skill bar, I would consider Sparks (weapon skill) over Haste and replace Blur with Purge for a clense. However, in a full-out battle, I will most likely fight from range and stay away from heavy blows and splash damage as much as possible. Either that, or sneak past the battlefront using my supurb stealthing abilities and do some dirty deeds behind enemy lines. Maybe I will start fires in their bases, surprise some poor Sorcerer with some 1v1, or sabotage their siege weapons. In any case, I don’t think I will need to CC as much as I would like extra attack speed from Haste and the passive crit bonuses from using more Assassination skills. As far as my Bow set, I may replace Strife with Cripple or Purge. I've also used this skill tree counting on the estimated number of skill points I will aquire from leveling, skyshards, and questing after some time of gameplay at max-level and placing them where I believe will work best with how I play: http://eso.massyx.de/1bFtOIY 85 skill points is only an estimate. I'd like to hear from others about what they estimate is an average number of skill points for maxed-level gameplay. I think this build will benefit my play-style best. I can use this while questing, dungeons and exploring, as well as PvP. But as much as I think this build is good for me, I KNOW that I will change some things when I start playing.