Hi there, I am no stranger to MMOs but I am a bit of a stranger to elder scrolls (played skyrim & oblivion) so please bare with me if I put something silly. I have been reading alot about this game on the official website and i have been fortunate enough to have participated in the beta. I decided to make a Nightblade as I found this to be the most fun out of the things I tried in the beta. I made a wood elf night blade DW and my secondary will be a bow. My decisions for this was I simply liked the wood elf and also saw its bonus with a bow, I liked this because I will be using DW mainly and with the increase in gaining bow experience it will help me keep up with DW. So this is what I am thinking in terms of stats. This maybe totally wrong and thats why I am here to be corrected. My abilities will use magika but my weapons will use stamina, therefore do I spend points increasing magika and rely on medium armour bonuses for my stamina? I want to be a high damage dealer is this the right choice of class for that? Cheers Edit - I will mainly be involved in PVE