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Everything posted by Refardem

  1. Still open for recruiting if anyone has any questions please do pm me
  2. The same faction all start in the same stating area as far as I know the 2 races I played in the Daggerfall Covenant did
  3. It has no effect on the game itself Peter or spawning location - just a way for guilds to advertise for new members and for people who wish to find a guild to see who's recruiting and if they like them. Most are using beta to get to know each other and play styles also - hope this helps
  4. Another 2 players joined us over the weekend - we still have spots available for the raiding team (once we all get to 50 ) and looking for a pvp team also. If anyone is experienced and would like to join and run a pvp group and see yourself as an upcoming general please get in touch with me
  5. And we now have our own links and a subforum here http://eldersouls.com/forum/207-brotherhood-of-light/
  6. Voting came in today - we are fighting and supporting the Daggerfall Covenant from now on
  7. Who are we? We are â€Brotherhood of Light†a social raiding guild that is active on multiple games. We started of with World of Warcraft and created a solid core on there. With our eyes always on the prize we managed to form a solid group of players that were not only social, but also willing to expand and learn the game. A social group of players was born, and Brotherhood of Light was born. Throughout the years we’ve managed to see as much as content as possible, and to keep and maintain our social status as well. As the years proceeded, World of Warcraft was slowly dying, and our minds were set to something else…then the announcement came that shook the entire guild : Elder Scrolls Online. Now here we are, same goal, same players but…another game with even more content to explore. To form a solid base of players its necessary for us to recruit and to see if people are interested in this idea. This is were we need you. In the following few â€topics†i will tell you guys our goal and what we want to achieve, what is necessary for this and what we are going to use in order to get there. What can you expect from us? Since we are a social guild, there are some things more important then others and we know and respect that. We’re not only a helpful guild when it comes to in game stuff, but also out of the game we are willing to help each other when needed. Teamwork, loyalty, and fun are the three mainstays our guild uses. We are not only a social guild, but also a mature guild and we mainly have players above 18 in the guild (average age lies around 31/32) but off course if you are younger you are welcome to apply as well. Do we have anything like a website? Teamspeak? Facebook? Of course! Mumble server.Professional and active website (http://www.brotherhoodoflight.eu)Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/brotherhoodoflighteu)Experienced and mature players.A raiding guild.Enjoy the social aspect of the game. MatureRespectfulEnglish SpeakingActive on the forumsMumble installed.Knowledge of tactics.Materials req for raiding (Potions / Buffs )and probably the most important one, a good sense of humour.
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